When trying google's list view (https://material.angularjs.org/latest/demo/virtualRepeat) it feels very smooth and responsive.
It feels like the scroll speed is determined by the swipe speed. (when swiping fast the scroll moves very fast).
Is there any way to control the scroll speed when user scroll down (or up) by swiping,
Currently when there are lots of items it takes a lot of time to scroll to the bottom of the list (as opposed to googles list)
7 Answers, 1 is accepted
Currently the Kendo UI Mobile ListView does not implement such virtualization technique and relies on a different implementation for the virtual scroll scenario.
Kiril Nikolov
Hi Kiril ,
On the same issue :
When I play with you mobile demo with my phone (http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/m/index),
I have a strong feeling that the scroll in the main demo page (the list that presents all featured controls) is more smooth ,
and the scroll speed is quite responsive. However when moving to the ListView detailed samples (e.g. Local data visualization , Press to load more, Endless scrolling ) the scroll seems to be much less responsive and smooth.
Any thoughts about this one ?
It uses predefined set of items and does not load on demand, this might be the difference.
Kiril Nikolov
Is this the expected behavior when loading items on demand in all 3 scenarios :
1. Local data visualization
2. Press to load more
3. Endless scrolling
Is it cause the scroll is not native but kendo's scroll implementation ?
Anyway , if this is the case the your ListView is really useless...
There are hardly cases where data is static....
We can not expect our users to use this widget with such a poor responsiveness...
Any near future plans to fix this ?
Hello Sagi,
I would suggest you to increase the pageSize for smoother scrolling. Please see the following article for more information on this feature:
Kiril Nikolov
How is related to page size the reponsivness is not caused by the data fetching from the server,
The scrolling itself is poor...
the local virtualization example does not fetch data from server , and the scrolling still does not respond in a good manner
when using the other 2 sample and scrolling up (after scrolling down and after data was retrieved)
Hello Sagi,
The items are prefetched, so the bigger pageSize will in fact improve the scrolling experience. Anyway - we are open to suggestions on how we can improve the performance, and you can check the code and/or submit a pull request in our open source repository here:
Kiril Nikolov