I have a listview being populated by some json data. I have the elements in the listview linking to a details page. All is working fine.
when i add drawers to the page thats when it breaks. when i swipe it thinks im clicking so it tries to open the drawer and the details view at the same time making for some interesting behaviour.
how can i combat this?
<script id="alertlist" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<a class="details-link" data-role="listview-link" href="\#details?alert_ID=#=alert_ID#">
<img class="alertimage" src="/images/#: degree #.png" />
<div class="listviewdiv">
<h3 class="item-info">#: title #</h3>
<p class="item-title">#: sentDT # <span class="AlertTitle"> :: #: sender # </span></p>
<a data-role="button" href="\#details?alert_ID=#=alert_ID#" class="listviewbutton" data-icon="mostrecent"></a>
<ul id="alert-list-scroll" data-role="listview" data-source="IRISalerts" data-click="listViewClick" data-template="alertlist"></ul>
when i add drawers to the page thats when it breaks. when i swipe it thinks im clicking so it tries to open the drawer and the details view at the same time making for some interesting behaviour.
how can i combat this?
<script id="alertlist" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<a class="details-link" data-role="listview-link" href="\#details?alert_ID=#=alert_ID#">
<img class="alertimage" src="/images/#: degree #.png" />
<div class="listviewdiv">
<h3 class="item-info">#: title #</h3>
<p class="item-title">#: sentDT # <span class="AlertTitle"> :: #: sender # </span></p>
<a data-role="button" href="\#details?alert_ID=#=alert_ID#" class="listviewbutton" data-icon="mostrecent"></a>
<ul id="alert-list-scroll" data-role="listview" data-source="IRISalerts" data-click="listViewClick" data-template="alertlist"></ul>