Endless Scrolling Issues Since Update!
OK another thread as I've worked out my woes are to do with endless scrolling and the kendo update changes.
All I want is to retrieve my data and have it endlessly scroll like it did before. But it appears broken.
This works:
This doesn't (its my datasource)
Note: Ive hidden my access keys with 'HIDDEN' so it won't work if you do get the syntax right, I just want to be pointed in the right direction
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
pageSize: 10,
serverPaging: false, //specifies whether the paging should be handled by the service
transport: {
read: {
type: 'GET',
headers: {'X-Parse-Application-Id':'HIDDEN','X-Parse-REST-API-Key':'HIDDEN'},
url: "https://api.parse.com/1/classes/Listings/?where={\"State\":\"VIC\",\"EndDateTime\":{\"$gte\":{\"__type\":\"Date\",\"iso\":\""+localStorage.ls_tempdate+"\"}}}&order=StartDateTime",
dataType: "json" // JSONP (JSON with padding) is required for cross-domain AJAX
parameterMap: function(options) {
var parameters = {
q: "javascript", //additional parameters sent to the remote service
rpp: options.pageSize,
page: options.page //next page
return parameters;
schema: { // describe the result format
data: "results" // the data which the DataSource will be bound to is in the "results" field
OK another thread as I've worked out my woes are to do with endless scrolling and the kendo update changes.
All I want is to retrieve my data and have it endlessly scroll like it did before. But it appears broken.
This works:
This doesn't (its my datasource)
Note: Ive hidden my access keys with 'HIDDEN' so it won't work if you do get the syntax right, I just want to be pointed in the right direction
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
pageSize: 10,
serverPaging: false, //specifies whether the paging should be handled by the service
transport: {
read: {
type: 'GET',
headers: {'X-Parse-Application-Id':'HIDDEN','X-Parse-REST-API-Key':'HIDDEN'},
url: "https://api.parse.com/1/classes/Listings/?where={\"State\":\"VIC\",\"EndDateTime\":{\"$gte\":{\"__type\":\"Date\",\"iso\":\""+localStorage.ls_tempdate+"\"}}}&order=StartDateTime",
dataType: "json" // JSONP (JSON with padding) is required for cross-domain AJAX
parameterMap: function(options) {
var parameters = {
q: "javascript", //additional parameters sent to the remote service
rpp: options.pageSize,
page: options.page //next page
return parameters;
schema: { // describe the result format
data: "results" // the data which the DataSource will be bound to is in the "results" field