Hi all,
I'm trying to bind a LINQ query that has a Distinct() in it and bind it to a Grid (this is the Telerik grid still, haven't converted to Kendo yet). I've tried adding AsQueryable() to it also, but still getting a "Specified method is not supported exception."
My query looks like this:
var rewardTypes = (from type in _rewardTypeRepository.GetAll()
from vo in type.ValidOutlets
join ot in _outletRepository.GetAll()
on vo.Outlet.Id equals ot.Id
where userOutletIds.Contains(ot.Id)
select vo.RewardType).Distinct().AsQueryable();
Any ideas or guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
I'm trying to bind a LINQ query that has a Distinct() in it and bind it to a Grid (this is the Telerik grid still, haven't converted to Kendo yet). I've tried adding AsQueryable() to it also, but still getting a "Specified method is not supported exception."
My query looks like this:
var rewardTypes = (from type in _rewardTypeRepository.GetAll()
from vo in type.ValidOutlets
join ot in _outletRepository.GetAll()
on vo.Outlet.Id equals ot.Id
where userOutletIds.Contains(ot.Id)
select vo.RewardType).Distinct().AsQueryable();
Any ideas or guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,