I have multiple LineSeries that are tied to a common DateTimeContinuousAxes for X and multiple LinearAxes for Y.
So each LineSeries is tied to the common DateTimeContinuousAxis .
Each LineSeries may have its own dedicated Linear Axis OR may share a linear axis with other series.
Its the series that share both x and y axes that are confusing to the user.
To make this visually clear to the user, I have set the color of these line series and the corresponding shared Y axis color to match, so that its obvious that series A, B and C share the same Y axis (say "VOLTS").
But now I have multiple series with the same color. So I need to have the points for each individual series have a different shape so you can easily discriminate between the series.
For example, Series A, B and C all share a common Y Axis, and all three are green in color, but Series A points are a Green Triangle, Series B is a Green Square and Series C is a Green Circle.
Seems pretty straight forward...right?
I know I can do this on the ScatterSeries, but I see no way to set the Point Shape for a Point in LineSeries. Some thing similar to the example below...
private void ApplyShapeToPoints(ElementShape shape)
ScatterSeries series = this.radDropDownListSeries.SelectedValue as ScatterSeries;
foreach (ScatterPointElement point in series.Children)
point.Shape = shape;
But I cant use a scatterseries because my data is time based....
Any ideas?