Here is my code sample.
Now I can show maximum 30 points with 15 min. interval. But I want to be able to switch to hours smoothly when user continues zooming out.
Basically, I have to scenarios:
1) user select some time interval based on datepickers and I decide appropriate baseUnit;
2) user uses zoom out to get to appropriate baseUnit.
Lets handle second scenario. My situation is very similiar to this demo -- http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/line-charts/date-axis
But I'm using category type of categoryAxis. When I start to play with date type I can't understand how it works... For example on my local data when I select days(and I have more then two weeks of one 15 min data) it always show to category (two points) and scrolling and zooming logic works very very strange.My ideal soultion for provided sample is following -- when there is already thirty 15min intervals (or 30 points) and user continues zoom out he smoothly gets to hours with the same scrolling and zooming functionality (lets consider no gaps). When he reaches say 24 hour intervals (24 points) and continue zooming he gets 'days' baseUnit and so on.
Is it achievable?
Thanks in advance.