In experimenting with line chart and differing date ranges have run into a couple discrepancies. Outlined below with examples.
Issue 1
With ‘roundToBaseUnit’ set to true (default behavior) it looks like the weeks always start on Sundays. You can see the middle week in the example is adding data for both Sundays, so 8 days total, while the 3rd week in the example (starting on the 20th) does not take Sunday the 20th data into its total.
Issue 2
When you set ‘roundToBaseUnit’ to false, it looks like the chart gets cutoff according the remainder of the base unit. In the example, since there is less than a half week for the third data point, you aren’t even able to see the third data point. We are looking for the ability to have weeks that don't always start on Sunday, but instead the first day of the date range, which is why we're setting this option to false.
Issue 3
With ‘baseUnitStep’ set to “auto” it is possible to display one more date group than is set in ‘maxDateGroups.’ For instance, in the example, maxDateGroups is set to 5 and you can see 6 date groups are displaying.
Note: To view example 3 properly you will need to change the version of Kendo that is loaded to be the most recent internal build (2016.1.322). The example is referencing 2016.1.226.
Machine used for testing is on PDT.