AutoComplete for Kendo UI
Prevent Custom Input
A new article on how to allow only existing values in a Kendo UI AutoComplete widget.
Change DataSource Dynamically
A new article on how to dynamically change the DataSource based on user selections made through radio buttons in a Kendo UI AutoComplete widget.
10 Answers, 1 is accepted
Diagram for Kendo UI
Show Context Menu Over Shapes
A new article on how to show a Kendo UI ContextMenu when pressing the right button of the mouse over diagram shapes.
Pan With Mouse Wheel
A new article on how to pan the diagram with the mouse wheel.
Grid for Kendo UI
AutoComplete Filter By Current View
A new article on how to filter the Kendo UI Grid via the autocomplete according to the current view.
Diagram for Kendo UI
Move Shapes with Arrow Keys
A new article on how to move the shapes of a Kendo UI Diagram by pressing the keyboard arrow keys.
Upload for Kendo UI
Remove Files with Confirmation Dialog
A new article on how to display a custom confirmation dialog when removing files from the Kendo UI Upload widget.
Remove Files with Errors
A new article on how to remove files with errors using the Kendo UI Upload widget.
Persist Shape Properties
A new article on how to persist Shape properties in the Kendo UI Diagram widget.
Grid for Kendo UI
Allow Single Row in Master Grid to be Expanded
A new article on how to allow only one of the rows in a master Kendo UI Grid to be expanded at any time.
Map for Kendo UI
Map Layers
A new article on how to create and configure tile layers for the Kendo UI Map widget.
Toolbar for Kendo UI
Use the Mobile View of the Toolbar
A new article on how to use the mobile view of the Kendo UI ToolBar widget.
Validator for Kendo UI
Add the Validator to MVVM
A new article on how to fully integrate the Kendo UI Validator in an MVVM scenario.
Date/Time Pickers for Kendo UI
Use Current Culture Default Date Format as Parse Format
A new article on how to use the default date format of the current culture as a parse format for the Kendo UI DateTimePicker widget.
MultiSelect for Kendo UI
Prevent the Deletion of Selected Items on Backspace
A new article on how to prevent deleting a selected item on pressing the Backspace key in the input of the Kendo UI MultiSelect widget.
Grid for Kendo UI
Adjust Row Heights with ng-if Column Templates When Columns Are Locked
A new article on how to adjust row heights for a Kendo UI Grid with locked columns and a column template that uses `ng-if` in AngularJS applications.
Hide Columns on Clicking the Headers and Restore Them on Clicking a Button
A new article on how to hide columns and sub-columns in a Kendo UI Grid when working in AngularJS applications by clicking the column headers. Show them back later when you click on a button.
Use Detail Template Editors in Inline Editing Modes
A new article on how to edit records by using a different detail template in the editing mode of the Kendo UI Grid.
Use Custom Validation in Filter Menus
A new article on how to use custom validation in the Filter menu of the Kendo UI Grid when the filtering functionality is applied.
Kendo UI Core
A new article on how to apply CSS classes to the Kendo UI desktop widgets to change their appearance and further customize their style.
ResponsivePanel for Kendo UI
Integrate ResponsivePanels with Menus in AngularJS
A new article on how to integrate the Kendo UI ResponsivePanel with the Kendo UI Menu in AngularJS.
Spreadsheet for Kendo UI
Display Selected Ranges in Tooltips
A new article on how to show a selected range from a Kendo UI Spreadsheet in a Kendo UI Tooltip when working in AngularJS applications.
Tooltip for Kendo UI
Display Selected Spreadsheet Ranges in Tooltips
A new article on how to show a selected range from a Kendo UI Spreadsheet in a Kendo UI Tooltip when working in AngularJS applications.
Validator for Kendo UI
Use Custom Validation in Grid Filter Menus
A new article on how to use custom validation in the Filter menu of the Kendo UI Grid when the filtering functionality is applied.
Dialog for Kendo UI
Customize the Predefined Dialogs
A new article on how to customize the predefined Kendo UI Dialogs.
Menu for Kendo UI
Handle Unique Identifiers with Menu Items
A new article on how to handle unique identifiers with Kendo UI Menu items.
Grid for Kendo UI
Implement an Excel-Like Filter Menu
A new article on how to implement an Excel-like filter menu in a Kendo UI Grid.
Scheduler for Kendo UI
Drag and Drop Events between Schedulers
A new article on how to implement the drag-and-drop functionality in a Kendo UI Scheduler widget.
TreeView for Kendo UI
Define Node Template When TreeView Is within PanelBar
A new article on how to define node template for a TreeView placed within a PanelBar in AngularJS scenario.
Upload for Kendo UI
Display Validation Messages with Templates
A new article on how to display validation messages in Upload which has configured file templates
Change Grid Pager to Slider
The following example demonstrates how to change the default pager of the Grid to a slider.
Display Grid as Triangular Matrix
The following example demonstrates how to change the default data layout of the Grid to a Triangular matrix.
Change DatePicker Value from Another DatePicker
The following example demonstrates how to change a DatePicker value based on the modified value of another DatePicker by using the inline edit mode of the Grid.