This project shows how to keep a DateTime property in UTC format on both server and client sides when using a Grid with Ajax Binding and editing.
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This project demonstrates how to bind KendoUI Grid for ASP.NET MVC to a DataTable object.

This project demonstrates how to bind KendoUI TreeView HTML helper for ASP.NET MVC to XML document using LINQ to XML which provides an in-memory XML programming interface that leverages the .NET Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) Framework.
The sample demonstrates both Ajax and server binding.

This code library shows how to change the built-in buttons of the Grid with images and also how to create custom buttons which do the same with the help of the client API. The same method can be applied to replace the default grid buttons with any other button type.

This code library shows how to implement Cascading DropDownLists with validation in Grid both InLine and PopUp editing mode.

This code library shows how to style the rows differently based on the data during Ajax binding.

This code library demonstrates how to edit enumeration properties with a DropDownList when using Ajax editing. Basically, an editor template with a DropDownList should be used with text field the name and value field the Integer value.

This code library project demonstrates how to create custom editing area (which is transformed into a Window widget) on the page where you can edit a record after selecting it from the Grid.
The editors used for editing are regular textbox input, Kendo DropDownList and Kendo DateTimePicker. The changes are reflected to the Grid rows through the MVVM framework.

The projects demonstrates how to use the MultiSelect widget as EditorTemplate in a InLine editable Grid.
The Grid is bound to the Employees collection of the Northwind database and the ComboBox allows you to edit the Territories navigation property generated by the Entity Framework ORM.

The project demonstrates how to incorporate the Kendo Grid MVC Widget with the history API of the browser and thus provide the users with the ability to copy/paste the URL and preserve the state of the Grid.

This project demonstrates how to create a Template column with a radio button group inside which allows the user to edit the Enum field of the model.

This code library demonstrates how to configure Grid Ajax Hierarchy (3 level) Editing.

Custom Editor
Drag and Drop
Server Filtering
Binding to a Web ApiController

[Code library] Filter row as you type
[Code library] Using custom JsonResult with Ajax bound Grid
[Code library] Save Grid state in session on server side
[Code library] Generic search box

[Code library] Showing localized enum texts in columns (Grid)

Kendo UI Grid for ASP.NET MVC
Access Current Model in Popup
A new article on how to access a current model in a popup when working with the Kendo UI Grid in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Render Byte and Base64 Images and Preview Using Window
A new article on how to render byte and base64 images and show a preview by using a window when working with the Kendo UI Grid in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Apply Dates that Ignore Timezones
A new article on how to apply dates that ignore timezones when working with the Kendo UI Grid in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Use GroupHeaderTemplate with ForeignKeyColumn
A new article on how to use the GropuHeaderTemplate with the ForeignKeyColumn configuration in a Kendo UI Grid in ASP.NET MVC applications
Bind to Collections of Dynamic Objects
A new article on how to bind the Kendo UI Grid to a collection of dynamic objects in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Save All Changes with One Request
A new article on how to save all changes in a Kendo UI Grid with one request in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Delete Multiple Grid Rows at Once
A new article on how to select multiple rows from a Kendo UI Grid in a batch editing mode and delete them at once in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Telerik by Progress
Save State with URL History Browser API
A new article on how to save the state of the Kendo UI Grid by using the URL history browser API in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Edit RadioButton Templates in InCell Mode
A new article on how to use the batch editing functionality of the Kendo UI Grid to edit RadioButton templates in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Kendo UI Menu for ASP.NET MVC
Use the Same Controllers in Different Areas
A new article on how to use the same controller in different areas of the Kendo UI Menu in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Enable Security Trimming
A new article on how to enable security trimming when working with the Kendo UI Menu in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Save State with URL History Browser API
A new article on how to save the state of the Kendo UI Grid by using the URL history browser API in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Edit RadioButton Templates in InCell Mode
A new article on how to use the batch editing functionality of the Kendo UI Grid to edit RadioButton templates in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Kendo UI Menu for ASP.NET MVC
Use the Same Controllers in Different Areas
A new article on how to use the same controller in different areas of the Kendo UI Menu in ASP.NET MVC applications.
Enable Security Trimming
A new article on how to enable security trimming when working with the Kendo UI Menu in ASP.NET MVC applications.

Kendo UI Window for ASP.NET MVC
Update Window with AJAX Forms
A new article on how to update AJAX forms with validation when working with a Kendo UI Window in ASP.NET MVC applications.

Kendo UI Slider for ASP.NET MVC
Use the RangeSliderFor Method
A new article on how to use the RangeSliderFor method to update a model in ASP.NET MVC applications.

Kendo UI Grid for ASP.NET MVC
Make Columns Editable Conditionally
A new article on how to configure the Grid for ASP.NET MVC columns to be editable based on condition.
Show Command Buttons Conditionally
A new article on how to configure the Kendo UI Grid for ASP.NET MVC to display a command button depending on a value in the Model.

Kendo UI Menu for ASP.NET MVC
Handle Unique Identifiers with Menu Items
A new article on how to handle unique identifiers with Kendo UI Menu items in ASP.NET MVC applications.