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Labels/Tick size for Bar Chart

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Robert asked on 25 Sep 2019, 02:42 PM

I have a bar chart  where the x axis is a dollar amount.  Depending on the situation, this can be hundreds of dollars or millions of dollars and anywhere in between.  In my example data it is in the millions and the x-axis is over crowded. (see attached image)  In the case of thousands of dollars, the axis is not crowded.  I have tried setting MajorTicks and MajorUnit with no success.  So first is there a way to fix my example data so values are readable on the x-axis, and second, is there a way to dynamically adjust this based on the values plotted (from hundreds to millions).

Chart Code:

                 .Title(title => title
                     .Text("Cash Flows")
                 .Legend(legend => legend
                 .SeriesDefaults(sd => sd.Bar().Stack(true))
                     .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                         .Group(g => g.Add(item => item.InOutField))
                                     .Read(read => read.Action("CashInOutChartData", "PracticeAnalytics"))
                 .Series(series =>
                     series.Bar( "Total", "color", "category")
                 .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
                     .Categories(model => model.category))
                // .AxisDefaults(ad => ad.MajorTicks(mt => mt.Size(1000)))
                 //.ValueAxis(va => va.Numeric().MajorTicks(mt => mt.Size(1000000)))
                 //.ValueAxis(axis => axis
                 //    .Numeric().MajorUnit(1000))
                 .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip.Visible(true).Template("#= category # (#= #): #= dataItem.TotalFormatted #"))


public class FlowInOutChartItem
        public int? myYear { get; set; }
        public int? myQtr { get; set; }
        public decimal Total { get; set; }
        public string TotalFormatted
                return string.Format("{0:C0}", Total);
        public decimal PercentOfTotal { get; set; }
        public string category
                return "Q" + myQtr.ToString() + " " + myYear.ToString();
        public decimal value
                return PercentOfTotal;
        public string color { get; set; }
        public string InOutField { get; set; }



myYear: 2019,
myQtr: 2,
Total: 58417603.24,
TotalFormatted: "$58,417,603",
PercentOfTotal: 33.86,
category: "Q2 2019",
value: 33.86,
color: "#0e5a7e",
InOutField: "In"
myYear: 2019,
myQtr: 1,
Total: 44370421.48,
TotalFormatted: "$44,370,421",
PercentOfTotal: 25.71,
category: "Q1 2019",
value: 25.71,
color: "#166f99",
InOutField: "In"
myYear: 2018,
myQtr: 4,
Total: 47372210.75,
TotalFormatted: "$47,372,211",
PercentOfTotal: 27.45,
category: "Q4 2018",
value: 27.45,
color: "#2185b4",
InOutField: "In"
myYear: 2018,
myQtr: 3,
Total: 22390062.02,
TotalFormatted: "$22,390,062",
PercentOfTotal: 12.98,
category: "Q3 2018",
value: 12.98,
color: "#319fd2",
InOutField: "In"
myYear: 2019,
myQtr: 2,
Total: -31987802.56,
TotalFormatted: "($31,987,803)",
PercentOfTotal: 36.82,
category: "Q2 2019",
value: 36.82,
color: "#f70404",
InOutField: "Out"
myYear: 2019,
myQtr: 1,
Total: -29400196.53,
TotalFormatted: "($29,400,197)",
PercentOfTotal: 33.84,
category: "Q1 2019",
value: 33.84,
color: "#cc0404",
InOutField: "Out"
myYear: 2018,
myQtr: 4,
Total: -20853907.18,
TotalFormatted: "($20,853,907)",
PercentOfTotal: 24,
category: "Q4 2018",
value: 24,
color: "#a80303",
InOutField: "Out"
myYear: 2018,
myQtr: 3,
Total: -4637187.52,
TotalFormatted: "($4,637,188)",
PercentOfTotal: 5.34,
category: "Q3 2018",
value: 5.34,
color: "#840202",
InOutField: "Out"

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Viktor Tachev
Telerik team
answered on 27 Sep 2019, 10:47 AM

Hello Robert,


In order to ensure that longer labels are visible you can enable the rotation option for the respective axis. You can specify a predefined value or set the rotation to "auto" so the labels are rotated only when they would not fit the available space.

.ValueAxis(axis => axis


As for setting the MajorUnit option dynamically. You can do that via the setOptions method for the Chart. After the data is available you can call setOptions with the corresponding setting for MajorUnit. The sample below outlines the approach:


Viktor Tachev
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