I'm using version Q3 2009 SP1.
I have a RadLabel (with AutoSize = True) on a form I use to indicate loading status. I constantly change the Text in the RadLabel during the loading phase. The problem is that the size of the RadLabel does not change after I set the Text.
The workaround is that I have to do the following:
lblLoading.AutoSize = false; |
lblLoading.Text = _loadingText; |
lblLoading.AutoSize = true; |
Also I've noticed that it does not work out the correct size of the RadLabel if the form is not shown (even with the above workaround).
So the following code snippet will not work, I need to move the setting of LoadingText to after the Show().
frmLoading loadingForm = new frmLoading(); |
loadingForm.LoadingText = "Validating License..."; |
loadingForm.Show(); |
Are these bugs or am I missing something?