When i perform a nuget on kendouiweb “Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute” error
Reproduce w/ 2012 RTM All upates
File->New MVC4 Application - Add to source control (TFS2012 Service)
-> Internet Application
Goto NuGet GUI and Install KendoUIWeb
Looks to be version 2012.2.710 updated 10/4/2012 which has yet to hit that date in USA EST... weird. Assuming that is some local server date?
Killed VS2012 as it was stuck in a loop of throwing that error every 30 seconds or so...
Openedproject and ran:
PM> Install-Package KendoUiWeb
Attempting to resolve dependency 'jQuery (≥ 1.7.1)'.
'KendoUIWeb 2012.2.710' already installed.
Successfully removed 'jQuery' from xxx.
Successfully added 'jQuery 1.7.2' to xxx.
Successfully added 'KendoUIWeb 2012.2.710' to xxx.
Successfully uninstalled 'jQuery'.
I see the kendo scripts so i am assuming it is good now!