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kendoUI HTML 5 UI ajax grid with server side grouping

3 Answers 144 Views
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rohit asked on 18 Dec 2015, 10:42 AM



I have recently downloaded the trial version of KendoUI html 5 UI tool and trying to use grid in my existing project where we have to show grouping. paging and sorting server side but I am unable to do grouping by server side.

My backend server is created using WCF which calls a stored procedure having group as one of parameter.


Can you assist me how to implement your control in this case as I found multiple example using MVC which I dont have.






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Alexander Valchev
Telerik team
answered on 22 Dec 2015, 12:44 PM
Hello Rohit,

I suggest to check the sample project from this repository as some of them use WCF service:

On a side note, questions related to server side implementation are out of scope of our support service.
Kendo UI is a JavaScript framework and as such can be used with any server side framework that can send and receive JSON. It is responsibility of the developer to implement the corresponding server side logic and provide data in a JSON format to the Kendo UI DataSource.

Alexander Valchev
Join us on our journey to create the world's most complete HTML 5 UI Framework - download Kendo UI now!
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answered on 22 Dec 2015, 01:32 PM

Ok I will look into the sample code but our scenario is we are not using linq at server side. we have a stored proce where we are passing filtering, sorting and grouping info and data is being returned properly in json at client side. the only problem is data is not being  shown in group. Do we need to anything at client side for grouping?


Secondly we are getting javascript error like "TypeError: e is undefined" on grouping column. can you assist me please.


Alexander Valchev
Telerik team
answered on 24 Dec 2015, 08:20 AM
Hi Rohit,

The dataSource expects a response in the following format:

Do you send the groups in the format described in the documentation? The JavaScript error that you receive might be connected with this.

Alexander Valchev
Join us on our journey to create the world's most complete HTML 5 UI Framework - download Kendo UI now!
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Alexander Valchev
Telerik team
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