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kendoui forums how to add functionality to html form elements

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Ricardo asked on 02 May 2012, 06:32 PM
I have a function to which you want to add a checkbox to have a function but this function need to pass the name of my form will add it to function with the single quote '
but when added to the grid do not show me anything the grid
how I can add the name of my form but show me what the grid

in a post showing how to add html elements to the grid in the property template
template: "#= kendo.toString(\'<form name=\"form_r\" method=\"post\" action=\"activauno.asp\" onSubmit=\"return enviarForm();\">
<input id=\"radio-01\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"enviar\" value=\"1\" onClick=\"SelectedCheckBox(this,'form_r',1);\"/>
<button id=\"boton\"name=\"boton\" type=\"submit\">
</button> </form>\') #"

greetings and thanks in advance

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answered on 02 May 2012, 07:00 PM
now I've put in this way but still not working
{ field: "Favoritos", template: "#= kendo.toString(\'<form name=\"form_r\" method=\"post\" action=\"activauno.asp\" onSubmit=\"return enviarForm();\"><label class=\"label_radio\"><input id=\"radio-01\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"enviar\" value=\"1\" onClick=\"SelectedCheckBox(this,\form_r\,1);\"/></label><label class=\"label_radio\"><input id=\"radio-01\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"enviar\" value=\"2\"onClick=\"SelectedCheckBox(this,\"form_r\",2);\"/></label><label class=\"label_radio\"><input id=\"radio-01\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"enviar\" value=\"3\"onClick=\"SelectedCheckBox(this,\"form_r\",3);\"/></label><label class=\"label_radio\"><input id=\"radio-01\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"enviar\" value=\"4\"onClick=\"SelectedCheckBox(this,\"form_r\",4);\"/></label><button id=\"boton\"name=\"boton\" type=\"submit\"></button> </form>\') #", title: "Favoritos", width: "100px", editable: false },

anyone knows another method to concatenate strings that can at kendo.string?
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answered on 02 May 2012, 08:08 PM
after some time and found the answer only add &apos; between form_r

<input id=\"radio-01\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"enviar\" value=\"1\" onClick=\"SelectedCheckBox(this,'form_r',1);\"/>
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