I'm trying to implement an Angular project using KendoUI but I'm only able to add controls using JQuery syntax but not Angular syntax.
This works :
<div id="paymentRequestsGrid"></div>
and in my controller I do this :
var grid = $("#paymentRequestsGrid").kendoGrid({
However, this does not work :
<div id="paymentRequestsGrid" k-options="gridOptions"></div>
and in my controller :
$scope.gridOptions = {
I does not crash my app, just doesn't render anything on the web page. I've included the following in my project:
* kendo.common.min.css
* kendo.bootstrap.min.css
* kendo.bootstrap.mobile.min.css
* jszip.min.js
* kendo.all.js
* kendo.culture.is-IS.js
I just wanted to throw this up in the air and hope this will, at least, get me in the right direction ;)
Best regards,