KendoReact Charts Pattern Fill

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Accessibility Charts
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Michael asked on 15 Jun 2023, 03:11 PM

Is there an out of the box, or an example of a customization, for adding pattern fills to Charts?

I know that custom svg treatments can be added via the ChartSeriesItem visual prop but I wasn't sure if that was the correct approach or if there was a simpler method.

I also want to understand if all charts can have pattern fills or if there are limitations.

We are doing an accessibility audit and adding patterns was suggested as an accessibility enhancement.

Thanks in advance.

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Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
answered on 19 Jun 2023, 11:38 AM

Hi Michael,

Currently the Chart component and the ChartSeriesItem in particular could not have a pattern fill. They have "color" property that can be specified, but there is no background or fill that can be specified. As you have mentioned, the only option would be the custom rendering through the ChartSeriesItem "visual", where the entire rendering can be customized.

You can log a feature request in our feedback portal where other developers can vote for it and increase its priority:


Konstantin Dikov
Progress Telerik

As of R2 2023, the default icon type will be SVG instead of Font. See this blogpost for more information.
Accessibility Charts
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Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
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