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Kendo WebFont icons not visible in Kendo Menu

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Daniel Knoll
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Daniel Knoll asked on 05 Apr 2017, 12:31 PM


Since Kendo ships with Web Font Icons, I would assume, that they work inside the Kendo Menu when using spriteCssClass on menu items.

Turns out, they are not working in the menu.

Am I doing something wrong? Fontawesome Icons work fine.

Best regards.

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Ivan Zhekov
Telerik team
answered on 07 Apr 2017, 12:43 PM
Hi, Daniel.

That's not exactly a bug, but rather a limitation: currently, icon classes can not be set trough "spriteCssClass" because the class for sprite images sets styles effectively hiding font icons.

This can be easily overriden by some css:

.k-menu .k-sprite.k-icon {
  font-size: 16px;

And by the way, there is no "k-i-bars" icon. You could try with "k-i-add". I've modified your example to include both the styles and the correct name for the icon:

Ivan Zhekov
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General Discussions
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Daniel Knoll
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Ivan Zhekov
Telerik team
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