After selecting a file in kendoUpload two buttons show up: Upload and Clear:
Is it possible to hide those two buttons? I want to do the upload process programmatically.
I already found out that the two buttons are not accessible after initialization of the kendoUpload widget but also not right away after the SELECT event triggers (on selecting a file to be uploaded). I have found a solution waiting some milliseconds in the SELECT event to hide the two buttons:
setTimeout(function() {
$('k-actions').css('display', 'none');
}, 10);
Is there a more proper way to hide those buttons?
I'm working with KendoUI for JQuery, very latest official version.
I have a requirement to highlight a particular attendee with a red border in the dropdown list. The idea is to indicate that this attendee is not available at that specific date and time when someone opens the appointment pop-up (refer to the attachment). I know color option is there but i want to add red border to particular attendee. there can be situation where red border can be added to more then one attendee. Please help me understand how I can achieve this.
Some users do not see very clearly which is the today in the scheduler and asked if the header could be colored.
I have found that the cells has the class "k-today" but the header does not have it.
Is there a way to know which of the header cells is the cell for the today?
Hi support team,
we need filterable: { mode: "row" } to have a filter row.
We also need a DropDownList for a boolean column in the filter as described here:
When using this we see an ugly filter row item:
I expect to have the DropDownList in the filter row.
This worked using following MVC template syntax in the past
.Filterable(f => f.Multi(false).Cell(c => c.ShowOperators(false)
function(args) {
autoBind: false,
dataTextField: "text",
dataValueField: "value" ,
dataSource: new{
data: [{ text: "Ja" , value: "true" },
{ text: "Nein" , value: "false" }]
index: 0,
optionLabel: {
text: "Filter" ,
value: ""
valuePrimitive: true
is this a bug?
I am trying to implement a drag and drop functionality for grid, so that I can drag files and drop in specific rows, so the file will uploaded and saved for that record.
Is this doable and can you post some links or leads.
My next requirement is to load uppy plugin uploader while I drop files and it will do the file upload for that record.
Hello we have a number of input elements, dropdowns, multiselects, etc which we are trying to defer loading for.
The problem is they use custom shared datasources, so setting them to AutoBind false is not automatically triggering the read() function, and we have added some additional dataSource behavior around multiselectors, which leads me to my question:
Is there a dataSource function like read() which only reads data from the server if its actually necessary? e.g. on the first load, if the dataSource has detected that the user has done something to the UI element to warrant a refresh, etc?
I know there are a tonne of undocumented functions on the kendo objects, some of them not intended for everyday use, but I'd be interested to know if any of them do what we need.
i am using the horizontal resources grouping in Kendo UI Scheduler and I want to adjust the header attendee name same like word wrap css property so that last name will come after first name.
ScrollView seems not to work anymore in Firefox. You can try it by yourself with KendoUIs sample:
1. Open Firefox
2. Head here:
3. Click the left/right arrow or any dot at bottom of displayed image
-> See tany other image is not displayed.
Firefox shows some warnings but no errors in the Console. Tested on Mac with Firefox 126.0 (64Bit) but also got information it's not working with Firefox on Windows (not sure about Firefox Mobile).
Anyone can confirm this issue/bug?
I didn't find any preconstructed mode, from editor to add a video to the content.
If it can help anyone, here is my solution:
In the html
<div id="kVideoDialog"></div>
in script
$(document).ready(function () {
var videoDia = $("#kVideoDialog");
functionpasteVideoTo(editorToPaste) {
let source = $("#source").val();
let autoplay = $("#play").val() == 1 ? " autoplay" : null;
let controls = $("#ctrl").val() == 1 ? " controls" : null;
if(source != "") {
editorToPaste.exec("insertHtml", { value: '<video' + controls + autoplay + '><source src="' + source + '"></video><p></p>'});
return true;
return false;
functionopenVideoDialog(editorToPaste) {
title: "Select Video",
closable: true,
modal: true,
actions: [
{ text: 'OK', primary: true,
action: function (e) {
return pasteVideoTo(editorToPaste);
{ text: 'Annulla' },
videoDia.html('<div id="videomanager"></div><div><label for="source">Sorgente Video:</label><br><input type="text" style="width: 100%;" id="source"><br><label for="play">Autoplay</label><input type="checkbox" value="1" id="play"><br><label for="ctrl">Show Controls</label><input type="checkbox" value="1" checked id="ctrl"></div>');
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
url: "/kendo-video-reader.php",
method: "POST"
create: {
url: "/kendo-fm-dir-maker.php",
method: "POST"
update: {
url: "/kendo-fm-updater.php",
method: "POST"
destroy: {
url: "/kendo-fm-deleter.php",
method: "POST"
uploadUrl: "/kendo-video-uploader.php",
select: function(e) {
let video = JSON.stringify(e.entries);
const json = JSON.parse(video);
const source = json[0].path;
if(source.endsWith(".mp4") ||source.endsWith(".ogg") ||source.endsWith(".webm"))
$("#source").val("/" + source);
toolbar: {
items: [
{ name: "createFolder", text: "New Folder" },
{ name: "upload", text: "Upload" },
{ name: "sortDirection", text: "Sort" },
{ name: "sortField", text: "Sort by" },
{ name: "changeView", text: "Change View"},
{ name: "spacer" },
{ name: "details", text: "Details" },
{ name: "search", text: "Search" }
contextMenu: {
items: [
{ name: "rename" },
{ name: "delete" }
draggable: true,
resizable: true
var filemanager = $("#videomanager").getKendoFileManager();
//then in editor custom tools:
name: "insertVideo",
text: "Insert Video",
tooltip: "Select and insert Video",
exec: function (e) {
var editor = $("#editor").data("kendoEditor");
icon: {
viewBox: '0 0 512 512',
content: '<rect style="fill: none;" width="523" height="523"/></rect>'+
'<path style="fill: #A59994;" d="M81 268l360 0 0 203 -360 0 0 -203zm199 63c10,0 19,9 19,19 0,10 -9,19 -19,19 -10,0 -19,-9 -19,-19 0,-10 9,-19 19,-19l0 0zm57 -38l-152 0c-7,0 -13,6 -13,13l0 127c0,7 6,13 13,13l152 0c7,0 13,-6 13,-13l0 -127c0,-7 -6,-13 -13,-13l0 0zm0 108l-25 -25 -32 32 -51 -51 -44 44 0 -95 0 0 152 0 0 0 0 95z"/></path>' +
'<path style="fill: #A59994;" d="M81 52l360 0 0 203 -360 0 0 -203zm248 101l-68 31 -68 31 0 -62 0 -62 68 31 68 31z"/></path>' +
'<path style="fill: ##86776F;" d="M510 52l-68 0 0 203 -360 0 0 -203 -68 0 0 419 68 0 0 -203 360 0 0 203 68 0 0 -419zm-484 12l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42zm0 282l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42zm0 -71l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42zm0 -71l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42zm0 -71l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42zm0 282l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42zm429 -353l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42zm0 282l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42zm0 -71l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42zm0 -71l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42zm0 -71l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42zm0 282l42 0 0 42 -42 0 0 -42z"/></path>'
I was wondering if there is a way, in FileManager, to call an action when a directory is browsed.
My scenario is the following:
I have a FileManager and an iFrame that shows the link to each file in target directory (root), each file has a button to copy his path to clipboard.
Now, what I want to achieve is to change the directory content listed in iFrame according to what I browse in the FileManager.
something like:
action: refreshIFrame(targetIframeID, pathToBrowse)
Is that possible?
Thank you.