this is the link that show the reason of i am asking this question, seem like Vue kendo not have the function of remove and add the tab, i m using jquery and use it to add and remove the tab. Add the tab is easy but when i need to remove the tab, the fuction that i defined on the "x" seem like cannot fire the "remove" function i had create in the method of vue, seem like it was not found the method.
I want to add a tab on the tabstrip in the Spreadsheet component. I have done so by adding this line of code to the toolbar attribute
<spreadsheet ref="spreadsheet"
Where toolbar is a value in data that looks like
toolbar = {
'custom': [
// for all available options, see the toolbar items configuration
type: "button",
text: "Save",
showText: "both",
icon: "k-icon k-i-save",
click: function() {
// Some code
However, this new tab shows up with the name 'undefined', next to the other tabs. Is there some way to give it a proper name?
Hi. I have one reactive object that holds the data for all of tabs in a tabstrip. I have dynamic fields in these tabs. For example, the selection of an autocomplete field in Tab A updates the data that is in a list box in Tab B. I'm not seeing the refresh of data when i navigate. The data is all loaded at once. How do I force a refresh of the tabs?
I've also tried using state management, but it's still not doing what I would like.
There is a tabstip problem in ios 13.3. (iPad)
The tabstrip scroll icon is not clicked.
Click doesn't work so it's impossible to check the contents of the next tab.
Please confirm.
I have the same question as this one.
When I have a kendo editor inside the kendo tabstrip, it seems cannot edit.
How can I do in Vue?
Here is the Parent.vue , and I use components for each Tab.
<li class="k-state-active">Tab1</li>
<tab1 v-if="Object.keys(buildData.TAB_1).length >0" :data="buildData.TAB_1"></tab2>
<div >
<tab2 v-if="Object.keys(buildData.TAB_2).length >0" :data="buildData.TAB_2"></tab1>
Here is code in Tab2 component.
<k-editor style="height:280px"></k-editor>
How can I edit the editor wrapper which is insinde the tabstrip wrapper in VUE?
Thanks a lot!!!!