We use kendo for Vue and tried implementing a DateInput element in our Vue app.
When we try to use this element on a smartphone, we hoped it will use the OS date input, just like it works with any <input> element of type “date”. But we found it is rendered as type “text”.
This means the UX is not as good as we hoped it will be.
Is there a way to render it as <input> of type “date” so it will behave accordingly?
Hello everyone,
I've been trying to find a simple method to copy a date from one datepicker and paste it into others since the usual Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts don't seem to work. So far, I haven't discovered an easy solution other than utilizing events directly on the datepicker itself. However, this approach doesn't work when trying to copy a date from another source. If anyone has any alternative suggestions or solutions, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I have a native DatePicker that I am using in an application with many components that use the Kendo wrapper validation widget. I am trying to get the behavior and appearance of the DatePicker to match that of the existing components. Validation should occur when a field loses focus and an invalid field should have a red outline and red error message below it. I tried to use the native DatePicker validation functionality, but I was unable to make validation consistent with all of the other components.
I am able to use the Kendo wrapper validation widget to perform validation when a field loses focus and display an error message, but I have been unable to get a red outline on an DatePicker in the invalid state. How can I accomplish this?
See https://stackblitz.com/edit/esiptm for an example.
I try to use v-bind:steps="{ hour: 1, minute: 15 }" but turns out it doesn't have any effect.
I would like to make sure if it is not supported or I have misconfigured.
We are using kendo-vue-dateinputs DateTimePicker in our vuejs app.
When the control has a datetime, is there a way to clear the datetime to null?
Is there a way to add a button to the DateTimePicker where I can call my function to set the value to null?
I can't make it work to have a custom placeholder when value of kendo-date-picker is empty. It always show the expected format even with the placeholder parameter set.
Example: https://cnslg5.stackblitz.io
One would expect to have the defined placeholder to be shown and not the date-input format-placeholder. How to avoid that ?
Hi all,
using the kendo-datetimepicker, you can force the masked date input with the prop: dateInput=true.
Is this functionality also available for table cells, or how can this be achieved?
Just wondering if there is a way to have the datetimepicker for Vue, the native datetimepicker, to be blank by default instead of the input mask looking text?
Kind regards,