I use
RequireJS to load Kendo according to a post in StackOverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18671338/inject-kendo-ui-with-requirejs)
and it works. jQuery is loaded first, then Kendo. But I got an error "kendoButton
is not a function" (applies to all Kendo UI components, but here I use
kendoButton as an example). Here is my app.js.
paths: {
"jquery": "lib/kendo-ui/jquery.min",
"jquery-ui": "lib/jquery-ui.min",
"kendo-ui": "lib/kendo-ui" // this is
a directory containing all Kendo files
shim: {
"kendo-ui/kendo.button.min": {
deps: ["jquery"]
"kendo-ui/kendo.core.min": {
deps: ["jquery"]
require(["jquery", "kendo-ui/kendo.core.min", "kendo-ui/kendo.button.min"],
function ($)
troubleshooting says that jQuery should be included just once (yes, I have) and
all the required Kendo files are included (yes, I included kendo.core.min.js).
I use
RequireJS 2.2.0, Kendo 2016.1.226, and jQuery version, which is included in the
Kendo package. Can someone point out what's wrong?
Thanks and regards,