I am trying to attach pdf file to email and send email notifications to users. Problem is when try to use kendo.saveAs its opening in another window . If user browser is having pop up block, the email function is not working as it is not allowing open other window. Is there any way that i can do this in same window or any other option?
$.ajax({ type: "POST", data: data, url: "IUA/Submit", success: function (result) { if (result.Id !== 0) { alert("Your application has completed the review phase and is confirmed complete. Your PIN will be " + result.Id + ". To complete your submission, please click the OK button below."); $('#loading').hide(); kendo.drawing.drawDOM($("#mainDiv")) .then(function (group) { // Render the result as a PDF file return kendo.drawing.exportPDF(group, { paperSize: "auto", margin: { left: "1cm", top: "1cm", right: "1cm", bottom: "1cm" } }); }) .done(function (data) { // Save the PDF file kendo.saveAs({ type: 'POST', dataURI: data, fileName: "IUAEnrollment.pdf", proxyURL: '@Url.Action("SavePDF", "IUA")', forceProxy: true, proxyTarget: "_blank" }); displayLoading("#formDiv", false); location.reload(); }); } else if (result.IsDuplicateRec == true) { $('#loading').hide(); $("#divDuplicate").show(); $("#captchaDiv").load(location.href + " #captchaDiv>*", ""); } else if (result.IsMVCCaptcha == false) { $('label[for="lblCaptchaErr"]').show(); $("#captchaDiv").load(location.href + " #captchaDiv>*", ""); setTimeout(WaitUntilLoad, 6000); } }, error: function () { $('#loading').hide(); alert("Error occured during the submission. Please contact helpdesk."); } });