Hi there,
I recently updated our Kendo files inside our MVC application to version 2023.1.117. And I found an issue on Kendo Tabstrip: that when we setup the default index using .SelectedIndex(0), the tabstrip would setup k-state-active class into the targeted tab instead of the newer k-active class. The same thing happen if we set the .selected(True) at the tabitems.
This is causing problem with the styling and tab content display because of when we start navigating to another tab via clicking, the code won't clear up the k-state-active class. Thus there'll be always 2 active state. Is this a bug from the latest version or is there something that I missed?
Strangely enough, when I checked the MVC demo page of tabstrip, the code won't produce k-state-active class at all. I assume your demo is using the latest version of your code. Why the difference? Cheers.