I have a JSON data coming from a webapi from the table which is displayed in the below format
Team 1 2 3 4 5
Series1 100 200 300 50 10
Series2 50 250 300 340 20
Series3 40 200 300 400 30
Series4 30 50 70 80 90
Series5 20 0 5 0 0
I need to display a column bar chart in the format attached below
10 Answers, 1 is accepted
The provided screenshot looks very much like the Kendo UI Columns Charts:
Have a look at their configuration and let me know if there is something which I can help with.
Kind Regards,
Alex Hajigeorgieva
Progress Telerik
Hi Alex,
I need to display 1,2,3,4,5 on the x axis and the Group of team on Y
I have prepared a runnable demo using the provided table data.
To have 1,2,3,4,5 on the xAxis, add them to the categoryAxis.categories like so:
Kind Regards,
Alex Hajigeorgieva
Progress Telerik
What does your JSON actually look like
: 100,
: 200... },
: 50,
: 250... },
: 100,
: 50... },
: 200,
: 250... },
Hi Eric,
"Team":"Series 4",
"Team":"Series 5",
"Team":"Series 4",
"Team":"Series 5",
It is bad practice to have JSON parameters that start with numbers (or just numbers in your case) as JavaScript has problems when converting to an Object. I believe the KendoUI chart does not handle this well either...
If you don't know the number of teams and points ahead of time, I would take the data from the database in this format:
data = [
"Series 1"
: 1,
: 47.25},
"Series 1"
: 2,
: 80},
"Series 1"
: 3,
: 133},
"Series 1"
: 4,
: 81},
"Series 1"
: 5,
: 139},
"Series 2"
: 1,
: 21},
"Series 2"
: 2,
: 14},
"Series 2"
: 3,
"Series 2"
: 4,
: 1.25},
"Series 2"
: 5,
: 34.75},
"Series 3"
: 1,
: 11},
"Series 3"
: 2,
"Series 3"
: 3,
: 474},
"Series 3"
: 4,
: 15.75},
"Series 3"
: 5,
: 159.25},
"Series 4"
: 1,
: 73},
"Series 4"
: 2,
"Series 4"
: 3,
: 670},
"Series 4"
: 4,
: 0.25},
"Series 4"
: 5,
: 58.25},
"Series 5"
: 1,
: 9.5},
"Series 5"
: 2,
"Series 5"
: 3,
: 39.5},
"Series 5"
: 4,
"Series 5"
: 5,
: 45.75},
Then you can use Grouping on the team field to get what you want:
theDataSource =
data: data,
group: {
sort: {
With this JSON structure and grouping on team, the chart will render correctly no matter the number of teams or points.