I am using Kendo Chart with Angularjs and Tooltips are being clipped at the top. I tried using the following:
<div kendo-chart
k-series-defaults="{type: 'column', labels:{visible: true, background: 'transparent', field: 'modulePercentage', format:'p0', template: '#= value#%'}}"
k-series="[{field: 'modulePercentage', colorField: 'BackGroundColor', name: 'SSQScore', type: 'pie'}]"
k-plot-area="{margin:{top: 5, left: 25, right: 25, bottom: 5}}"
k-category-axis="{field: 'Score', labels:{font: 'bold 8px sans-serif', rotation: '-45'},majorGridLines:{visible: true}, line:{visible: true}}"
k-value-axis="{majorGridLines: {visible: true}, visible: true}"
k-tooltip="{visible: true, template: ' #=dataItem.moduleCount # '}"
k-panes="[{clip: false}]">
But nothing changes.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.