I have a kendo tool tip that I am updating dynamically depending on a list of checkboxes. Here is the code for the tool tip:
When the tool tip is shown it is immediately refreshed to update the content using the following function:
When the tool tip initially is shown it shows the previous content and then it updates. I understand this it because it is going through my loop on the checked boxes but is there a way to hold off on showing the tooltip until it is updated or is there another event I should be using to update my tool tip?
.Events(e => { e.Show("refreshToolTip"); })
function changeToolTip() {
var result = "";
if ($(".dcheck").filter(":checked").length > 0) {
var toolTipContent = new Array();
$(":checkbox").filter(":checked").each(function () {
toolTipContent.forEach(function (e) {
result = result + e + "<
else {
result = "0 selected"
return result;
function refreshToolTip() {
When the tool tip initially is shown it shows the previous content and then it updates. I understand this it because it is going through my loop on the checked boxes but is there a way to hold off on showing the tooltip until it is updated or is there another event I should be using to update my tool tip?