Is there any option to bind Integer value in xaxis?
Our requirement is, we need to bind the Integer value in xAxis of Main chart and bind the Date value inxAxis of Navigator chart.
Please see the attachement,
7 Answers, 1 is accepted

Forgot to attach the image.
The stock chart axes must be all bound to the same date-time field otherwise the navigation will not function.
What you can do instead is to customize the axis label template. This will do if you only need to show a different value there, but it will not change the behavior of the chart. For example:
categoryAxis: {
labels: {
template: "#: dataItem.Number #"
Does this make sense for your scenario?
T. Tsonev

hi there
had a similar problem,
solved it with "panes" and "selection"
may be that can help too
regards mathias

Thanks for your reply.I have tried your approach in your examples.its working fine. need to to try in our scenario.i will update the status.
am having another doubt.is there any way to bind numeric value in Navigator XAxis also?
The suggested approach using multiple panes & axis selection will not work for scatter charts with numeric X-axis.
This axis type does not support selection.
Please, file a request for this feature on our UserVoice portal if you have minute.
This will help us gauge the overall interest and prioritize.
Apologies for the caused inconvenience.
T. Tsonev

I have tried axis label template approach in your Examlpe(using this URL http://dojo.telerik.com/oKoPa),its working fine without any issues.
but using jsfiddle,its not working.(http://jsfiddle.net/4s71ec1w/13/).
It's just the case that the jsFiddle demo does not have data for the selected period. So the template needs to be a bit more robust:
template:"#: (dataItem && dataItem.Open) ? dataItem.Open : '' #"
An easy way to debug such issues is to log the dataItem content:
template:"#console.log(dataItem) # #: (dataItem && dataItem.Open) ? dataItem.Open : '' #"
This is the updated snippet, I hope it helps.
T. Tsonev