Then if i want to select the appointment by clicking on that the scroll is happening to point to second day.Is there any way to avoid this.
I want to handle the appoinrment click event.
Thanks in Advance
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
Normally, the Scheduler scrolls its view, so that selected events are fully visible, if possible. I am not sure I understand what is your scenario exactly? Is the discussed behavior reproduced on the demo below? If yes, what are the exact steps? If not, what should be changed (you can use the "Edit this example" button to provide a modified version).

Hi Dimo,
Yes it is as in the demo link mentioned by you.I will tell the scenario.First you need to scroll down the scheduler so that 5PM is visible and now select the event on 13th June.Now the scheduler is scrolled to top.
What exactly i want is although it is scrolled to top i want to fire the click event to select the event.
K V Ramana Reddy
Normally, you would enable Scheduler selection and will subscribe to the widget's change event. In this way you will know when a given event has been clicked (selected). The fact that the Scheduler view may be scrolled at this point will not make any difference with regard to the event arguments.
Even if for some reason you want to add a custom click handler to the .k-event elements, this will still work, no matter that the Scheduler view is scrolled if the clicked event is outside the view's visible area.

I have a related issue with "Scheduler scrolls its view, so that selected events are fully visible" that you stated in your first reply.
I have all day slots and when a user clicks on that slot the scheduler always scrolls to midnight. This is jarring for the user because they are referencing other events on the screen. I don't see why if the all day is statically on the top of the view that it should change the scroll position in this scenario.
This is a bug in the Scheduler's internal scrolling mechanism. We have fixed it and changes will take effect in the next official and internal builds. Thanks for pointing it out.