I'm using MVVM paradigm with the kendo scheduler. I am attempting to add custom templates for editing and display of tasks. Using the following code the templates seem to be ignored and the default templates used instead. These templates are fine, I use them in non MVVM mode.
<div id="responsiveCalendarView">
<div class="k-content wide">
<div id="responsiveCalendar"
data-views="[{ type: 'day', title: 'Day' },
{ type: 'week', title: 'Week', eventTemplate: $('#event-template').html()},
{ type: 'workWeek', title: 'Work Week'},
{ type: 'agenda', title: 'Agenda' },
{ type: TasksView, title: 'Tasks' }]"
data-editable= "{template: $('#customEditorTemplate').html()}"
data-bind="source: tasks,
visible: isVisible,
events: {edit: onEdit, requestStart: requestStart, requestEnd: requestEnd, navigate: navigate, dataBound: dataBound, dataBinding: dataBinding}" style="height: 800px"></div>
Has anyone else had similar problems using templates with MVVM on the scheduler? Has anyone successfully used templates in the scheduler with MVVM?
Appreciate any assistance.