Kendo jQuery: (Firefox) Button onClick does not work in ListView!

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Button Filter ListView Popover TabStrip Templates
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C asked on 29 Apr 2024, 09:41 PM | edited on 29 Apr 2024, 09:45 PM


I am trying to use ListView with Buttons inside a Tabstrip. I want the user to be able to select an item to view a report.
As part of this list, I want a clickable hamburger button for the user to open up a popover menu for additional settings.

This setup works for all browsers when I do not perform the "filter" function. However on Firefox (only), using this filter function on the ListView causes my Kendo buttons inside the list to suddenly not fire the onClick handlers.

      filters: [
        { field: "Document_Number", operator: "contains", value: "J82901" }

On Chrome and Edge, the Kendo buttons work just fine even after this filter. On Firefox however, I notice that the Kendo buttons are unformatted and do not respond to the click events when logging output in the console.

To reproduce the issue, I have provided the following dojo code: Sandbox Code here


Here is a sample image of the output: I have a Tabstrip with a ListView nested within. Each ListView entry has a button attached to it via a template. On click, the button should fire the click handler and print output to the console. (And a popover in the future)

Any help to get this working on Firefox would be greatly appreciated! This is an older version of Kendo UI (Sept 2021).


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answered on 10 Jun 2024, 05:13 AM


Here is the some steps-by-steps guide which may help you.

To fix the Kendo UI buttons not firing in Firefox after filtering:

Check Firefox Console: Look for errors in the Developer Tools (press F12).
Reattach Event Handlers: After filtering, re-bind the click events to the buttons.
Update Kendo UI: Consider updating to the latest version for bug fixes.
Contact Telerik Support: They may offer a specific solution for this issue.
Use event delegation to handle button clicks within the ListView:


$(document).on('click', '#listView .k-button', function() {
  // Click event code here
Spotify Pie

Hope this info will help you.
Best Regard,

Button Filter ListView Popover TabStrip Templates
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