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Kendo Grid UI Html helper grid editing

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towpse asked on 22 Jan 2013, 09:11 PM
I've got a strongly typed razor view tied to an IEnumerable of an Object.

I'd like to add the ability to edit, in line, some, one or more, of the cells.

@using Kendo.Mvc.UI
@model IEnumerable<MyObject>
            .Columns(columns =>
                columns.Bound(m => m.Description).Title("Product");
                columns.Bound(m => m.Id);
                columns.Bound(m => m.Quantity)
                    .HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "quantity" }); 
            .Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InLine))
            .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                            .Model(model => model.Id(m => m.Id)))
How do I add an editor for my quantity field in this example?
Am I incorrectly setting up my view with an IEnumerable of my object?

In this example, the grid seems to be bound to an order object, not an IEnumerable of order,
and the developer can then simply use Html.EditorFor.

        @Html.EditorFor(o => o.Quantity);

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Vladimir Iliev
Telerik team
answered on 25 Jan 2013, 06:51 AM
Hi Matt,

You can specify custom editor template for given field in your model using UIHint data annotation attribute over the model property - please check the example below:

//UnitsEditor is the name of the custom editor template
public int UnitsInStock

Then you should create partial view under the Views -> Shared -> EditorTemplates folder with "UnitsEditor" name and place your custom editor inside it. Please check the example below:

@model int

Also about the other question - the example that you pointed contains Ajax bound grid with no initial data provided - in this case another Grid overload is used to set the IEnumerable type.

Kind Regards,
Vladimir Iliev
the Telerik team
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answered on 31 Jan 2013, 05:02 PM
ok, so i've tried to add as you suggested, but i'm still missing a piece to the puzzle.
how do i put a grid row into edit mode? not sure if i'm going about this correctly....

i have the grid set to be editable as inline, i have the required attribute on the quantity property of the bound model using a UI hint to a QuantityEditor which I have placed into the EditorTemplates folder under Views -> Shared

do i need to add an edit command somewhere?

        //UnitsEditor is the name of the custom editor template
        public int Quantity { get; set; }

            .Columns(columns =>
                columns.Bound(m => m.Id)
                    .HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "id" });
                columns.Bound(m => m.Description).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "description" }); 
                columns.Bound(m => m.esn).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "esn" });
                columns.Bound(m => m.Date).Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}").HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "date" });
                columns.Bound(m => m.Quantity).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "quantity" }).FooterTemplate("Total:");
            .Scrollable(s => s.Height("auto"))
            .Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InLine))
            .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                            .Aggregates(aggregates => { aggregates.Add(p => p.Quantity).Sum(); } ) 
                            .Model(model => model.Id(m => m.Id)))
Telerik team
answered on 04 Feb 2013, 03:26 PM

Yes, you should add an edit command in order to be able to out the row in edit mode. For example:

columns.Command(command => { command.Edit(); });
the Telerik team
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answered on 10 Sep 2013, 09:27 AM
I'm having a similar problem.  I've got a grid that I can edit in, but it never fires the update events.  So, my changes never make the database.
In the view:

.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(p => p.IntervalDateShort).Width(85).Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"); ;
columns.Bound(p => p.MST).Width(60);
columns.Bound(p => p.PST).Width(60);
columns.Bound(p => p.TotalAvailable).Width(60);
columns.Bound(p => p.Percentage).Width(60);
columns.Bound(p => p.OwnerAvailable ).Width(85);
columns.Bound(p => p.GenMegawattRequested).Width(60);
columns.Bound(p => p.SpinMegawattRequested).Width(60);
columns.Bound(p => p.TotalRequested).Width(60);
columns.Bound(p => p.StatusCode).Width(100); 
columns.Bound(p => p.CommentShort).Width(200);
 (IntervalStartDateTime==null ? '':IntervalStartDateTime) #");  
 .Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InCell))
 .Selectable(selectable => selectable
.Events(events => events.Change("onChange"))
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Events(events => events.Error("error_handler"))
.Model(model =>
model.Id(p => p.Id);
model.Field(p => p.Id).Editable(false);
model.Field(p => p.MST).Editable(false);
model.Field(p => p.PST).Editable(false);
model.Field(p => p.TotalAvailable).Editable(false);
model.Field(p => p.Percentage).Editable(false);
model.Field(p => p.OwnerAvailable).Editable(false);
model.Field(p => p.GenMegawattRequested).Editable(true).DefaultValue(0);
model.Field(p => p.SpinMegawattRequested).Editable(true).DefaultValue(0);
model.Field(p => p.StatusCode).Editable(true);
model.Field(p => p.Comment).Editable(false);
.Read(read => read.Action("GetStandardRequest", "OwnerStandardRequest").Data("getStandardRequestParams"))
.Update(update => update.Action("EditStandard", "OwnerStandardRequest"))

Telerik team
answered on 12 Sep 2013, 08:47 AM
Hello Eddie,

When using InCell editing mode, you should add a Save button to the toolbar that will synchronize the changes with the server:

.ToolBar(toolbar =>
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Vladimir Iliev
Telerik team
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