We are having a problem when the kendo grid turns into edit mode. We are currently using dropdowns inside the kendoGridEditTemplate. They are not showing the value that was already selected, even though behind the scenes we can see that it is still there. After adding a item into the kendo grid through the normal add process, it saves and shows up correctly with the names showing for each of the columns. But when selecting the edit button for a row, all the values in the dropdowns become blank to the user, but behind the scenes the value is still there. Below is the code.
The information comes down as
locations: Observable<Location[]>; in our typescript
The infomation model :
export class Location {
Id?: number;
Name?: string;
The HTML Code
<kendo-grid [data]="Information"
(edit)="editHandler($event)" (cancel)="cancelHandler($event)"
(save)="saveHandler($event)" (remove)="removeHandler($event)"
(add)="addHandler($event)" [height]="370">
<button kendoGridAddCommand class="k-primary" style="width: 200px;height: 40px;">Add</button>
<kendo-grid-column field="Location" title="Location" width="100">
<template kendoGridEditTemplate let-dataItem="dataItem">
<select class="form-control" id="Location" [(ngModel)]="dataItem.Location">
<option *ngFor="let location of locations | async" [selected]="dataItem.Location?.Id == Location.Id" [ngValue]="location">{{location.Name}}</option>
<template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem="dataItem">
{{dataItem.Location ? dataItem.Location.Name : "" }}