We have a grid with editing mode set to inline edit. The grid autoSync is set to false. User make changes to grid, and on clicking a save button (which is outside the grid), edited grid rows are saved to server. Grid row has a textbox, dropdown box and combobox as input field. Each row also have validation status icon in the last column. If user has not entered any value in textbox, or not selected any value in dropdown box or combobox , validation icon for that row is shown. On hover over the validation icon, corresponding errors for that row are shown to user. If user has selected all valid value, validation icon is not shown, indicating everything is correct.
We are currently doing validation on complete grid and refresh grid to show the icon for row with error. This validation is done every time user insert/update input field value. Can you suggest us the best way to do this? Is there a way, like on changing the row input field value, only row should be refreshed and validation icon should show/not show based on validation status.
We are currently doing validation on complete grid and refresh grid to show the icon for row with error. This validation is done every time user insert/update input field value. Can you suggest us the best way to do this? Is there a way, like on changing the row input field value, only row should be refreshed and validation icon should show/not show based on validation status.