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Kendo Grid Multi Column Grouping Issue

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Parth asked on 17 Apr 2021, 01:14 PM

I have using kendo component with angularjs framework & using Kendo UI v2014.3.1119 version.

Now i am tring to use Kendo Grid control with multiple column grouping with aggregate function.

As you can see in this "" example. Given Example implement with two characteristic group.

1. Material 

2. Color

so grid display record correctly as per group but problem is found that footer level group display wrong sum quantity that you can see in attachment snapshot.

once i change version to 2014.3.1411 it working fine. so i want to ask that if i want to achieve same in my currenct version then it is possible or not.
Thank you in advance

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Telerik team
answered on 21 Apr 2021, 01:21 PM

Hello Parth,

It seems this was a bug in the Kendo UI v2014.3.1119 that was fixed later on with v.2014.3.1411. However, those are very old versions and there not much we can do about it.

I recommend upgrading to  2014.3.1411 or the answer version of the product so you have this correctly working on your behalf.

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commented on 13 Jul 2021, 09:19 AM

First of all thank you for your answer Nikolay. Upgrading version is not possible for me because this is our very huge product & we have done wide area of customization of teleric control css so upgrading to upper version is very difficult to us for maintain entire application change. i have request you that is it possible to give me / suggest me patch file change for this bug or issue?
it is very helpful to me and save my time.
Thank you for your help
Telerik team
commented on 16 Jul 2021, 08:07 AM

Hi Parth,

Updating the kendo.all.min.js manually is not a good practice and is the very last option we could go for (if it is an option at all). 

I would recommend implementing custom aggregates to achieve the same result. Here is an article demonstrating how this can be achived:

Please try this and let me know if this will help.



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commented on 27 Jul 2021, 07:42 AM | edited

First of all thank you for replay.
In my case i want to make total group wise. in given example it "make custom template as footerTemplate" so i want to confirm that can it possible to achieve same as groupFooterTemplate or groupHeaderTemplate? i want to display total Quantity same column as Quantity.

Another Question / Query:
By default i have collapse all groups by default. so in first page it show me as collapse but when i click on second page using pagination button it show me all the group as expand and again i come to first page here also show me all the groups as expanded.

I want to display group by default as collapse and not need to expand on page move & stay expand or collapse as it is user's change.

I have request you to give answer as earlier as possible.
Telerik team
commented on 30 Jul 2021, 06:47 AM

Hi Parth,

You are very welcome.

As it comes to setting a groupFooterTemplate, you can use a custom function and aggregate the items. For example:

groupFooterTemplate: "#= calculateAggregate(data) #"
function calculateAggregate(data) {
            return "Total items: " + data.items.length;

Here is the updated Dojo demonstrating this:

Regarding the collapsing issue, this is behavior is unusual. When the groups are set as collapsed they shall not expand themselves. Please refer to the next article that shows how to set the groups as collapsed:

Let me know if this helps.

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commented on 23 Aug 2021, 12:18 PM | edited

Thank you, for your valuable replay. i have tried your opinion but it not work for me because i want to bind my headergrouptemplate & my grid generate dynamically so i have prepare my own control as per my requirement because i have requires following queries:

  • Header Level Aggregate function 
  • On change grid pagination it expand group data (By default when grid render i want to set all group as collapse)
  • Due to point second issue client don't want pagination so without pagination it's very difficult to render all data with dynamic generate.
  • Client requires open & close groups using short cut key & if i have not use pagination then it takes long time to collapse & expand rows

All above problem occurs due to 8 sub group data & approximately one group has a 1500-2000 record available so sometime browser become unresponsive.
After All thank you for your help. 

I have one more question regarding kendo-auto-complete.
this is sample code in this example data source contains duplicate values like 'Parth Dave' when i have type 'Parth' then show me result 'Parth Dave' Two times. now when i have selected one of them then in k-ng-model binding object contain both the object i want selected one only  
Georgi Denchev
Telerik team
commented on 26 Aug 2021, 08:19 AM

Hello, Parth,

I wasn't quite able to understand if you managed to resolve the first issue, could you confirm that everything is working as expected now, or do you require additional assistance?

Regarding the problem with the pagination, have you taken a look at the Virtual Scrolling functionality which loads rows on demand?

As for the second issue, thank you for the provided Dojo!

I have updated the example to use the select event of the AutoComplete widget and the k-ng-model seems to be populating properly: 

Could you let me know if this is the expected behavior?

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