Hi, I am using kendo-ui and angular together
i have kind of complicated table so the rows looks different and i am writing them like
<div kendo-grid.....
<table k-row-template>
<tr data-uid="#:uid#" rold="row">
some of the rows should have the possibility of expanding
but when i am adding to the above code <div k-detail-template>
all the view is ruined and there is nothing related to expanding.
<div kendo-grid.....
<table k-row-template>
<tr data-uid="#:uid#" rold="row">
<div k-detail-template>
so am i wrong?
if so how to do it correctly when i need k-row-template and k-detail-template. and the expanding only in specific rows with specific property in dataitem.
what should i do?
i am very very confused!!!
thanks for your urgent help