I have to issues with Kendo grid filtering. I'm using Kendo 2015.2.902 version and installed Kendo.DynamicLinq
First issue is related on parameters which I received from Kendo grid. Filter data are deserialized into Kendo Filter class in my controller action. After deseralization Value property became array of strings and ToDataSourceResult method throws exception: "Operator '>' incompatible with operand types 'DateTimeOffset' and 'String[]". It was happened for any filtering. I temporarily fixed by removing array and injecting string.
Second issue happened after I "fixed" first one. Method ToDataSourceResult throws exception: "Operator '>' incompatible with operand types 'DateTimeOffset' and 'DateTimeOffset' ".
I followed http://blog.codebeastie.com/kendo-grid-sorting-and-filtering/ and implemented my controller action as explained. Also I implemented JsonNetValueProviderFactory as described here https://github.com/kendo-labs/dlinq-helpers/issues/6.
Do you know how can I fix that and is it because of different Kendo versions?