I have implemented server side paging in kendo grid. I am facing one issue.
Issue Description - there are 2333 records in my table and per page records are configurable (20, 50 and 100). it is working fine. i navigate to 2nd page and try to apply filter on one of the column. when i debug the code on controller method, i noticed that request.page is 1, ideally it should be a page no where user in the grid. in our case it should be 2.
Controller code -
public ActionResult GetAutoBlockCardsGridBySearch([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, AutoBlockRequestInput model)
int totalRows;
var result = _autoBlockCardsAPIController.GetAllAutoBlockCards(model, request.Page, request.PageSize, out totalRows).OrderBy(a => a.MaskedCardNumber);
List<AutoBlockRequest> AutoBlockCardsList = new List<AutoBlockRequest>();
if (null != result && result.Count() > 0)
AutoBlockCardsList = result.ToList();
request.Page = 0;
var response = result.ToDataSourceResult(request);
response.Total = totalRows;
return Json(response);
Can you please let me know if anything wrong in code or is it bug in kendo grid?