We allow users to specify custom symbols as part of the number formats they see in our software. We are using Kendo's formatting capability to incorporate these symbols as part of our format strings. For example, we might have a format string like:
var format = "\\$0.00\\/\\h\\r;(\\$0.00\\/\\h\\r)";
kendo.toString(-1.7, format); // ($1.70/hr)
Note the use of backslashes to escape literal characters in the format string. This seems to work well, except when the ? character is used. Here's an example:
var format = "\\?\\x0";
kendo.toString(100, format); // returns "x?100", but I would expect "?x100"
This definitely seems like a bug. I can't find any documentation (http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/framework/globalization/numberformatting) explaining why the '?' character should receive special treatment at all, let alone when escaped.
I've also posted this as a StackOverflow question: