i have created Dynamic Kendo Grid and trying to Edit and update the values but its showing some issues. can you someone please help me on this
Functionality: based topic_Qtype needs to load controls dynamically
a) DropdownList – show the dropdown list
b) Not Applicable – show the label (NA- text)
c) Numerator_Denominator – two text boxes
#1: under Q3, when I click on Edit, its showing error message in console.log Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number
#2: under Q3 and Q6, in Editable mode, trying to click on Cancel button – its suppose to be go normal mode but its not functionaning (Cancel button not working in this case and no error messages in console)
#3 under Q3, after Editing the values then trying to click on Update button but its not triggering Update method in Kendo grid
#4 under Q5, after editing, trying to Update but its not triggering Update method in Kendo grid and also not even showing any error messages in console log
please help on this
attached here
-Grid screenshots
-Grid code
-database script
Grid Code
<div id="dynamickendoGrid"></div><script type="text/javascript">function GetColumnWidth(colName) {
var colWidth = "100px";
switch (colName) {
case "element_id":
case "program_id":
case "ID":
colWidth = "10px";
case "question":
colWidth = "80px";
case "topic1":
case "topic2":
colWidth = "60px";
colWidth = "30px";
return colWidth
function GetColumnTitle(colName) {
var colTitle = colName;
switch (colTitle) {
case "qId":
colTitle = "Q_ID";
case "question":
colTitle = "Question";
case "topic1":
colTitle = "Topic-1";
case "topic2":
colTitle = "Topic-2";
colTitle = colName;
return colTitle;
function categoryDropDownEditor(container, options) {
var ddlValues = '';
var ddlValuesFinal = '';
var firstarray = [];
firstarray = options.model[options.field + '_Mapping'].split('|');
jQuery.each(firstarray, function (i, val) {
//console.log(i)//console.log(val)var valArray = [];
valArray = val.split(',');
ddlValues += "{" + "\"text\"" + ":\"" + valArray[0].trim() + "\", \"value\"" + ": \"" + valArray[1].trim() + "\"}, "
//console.log(ddlValues) ddlValuesFinal = "[" + ddlValues.trim().slice(0, -1) + "]"var optionsfield = options.field;
$('<input data-text-field="text" data-value-field="value" data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>')
autoBind: false,
dataTextField: "text",
dataValueField: "value",
dataType: "json",
dataSource: {
data: JSON.parse(ddlValuesFinal)
select: function (e) {
function NotEditableFields(container, options) {
$('<span>' + options.model[options.field] + '</span>').appendTo(container);
function categoryNotApplicableEditor(container, options) {
$('<span >' + options.model[options.field] + '</span>').appendTo(container);
// $('<span name="' + options.field + '">N/A</span>').appendTo(container);// $('<input type="text" value="' + options.model[options.field] + '"></input>').appendTo(container);// $('<input type="text" name="' + options.field + '" data-bind="value:'+options.field.trim()+'" class="k-textbox"></input>').appendTo(container); }
function categoryDerivedEditor(container, options) {
var firstsplit = [];
firstsplit = options.model[options.field + '_Mapping'].split('|')
var secondfirstsplit = [];
secondfirstsplit = firstsplit[0].split(',')
var secondsecondsplit = [];
secondsecondsplit = firstsplit[1].split(',')
$('<div name="' + options.field + '">' +
'<span>' + secondfirstsplit[0] + '</span > ' +
'<input type="text" name="' + secondsecondsplit[0].replace(/ /g, '') + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1) + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1) + '" class="k-textbox" value="' + secondsecondsplit[0].trim() + '"></input>' +
// '<input name="' + secondsecondsplit[0].replace(/ /g, '') + '" class="derivedTextBoxWidth"' + ' value="' + secondsecondsplit[0] + '" > <br /> ' +'<span>' + secondfirstsplit[1] + '</span > ' +
'<input type="text" name="' + secondsecondsplit[1].replace(/ /g, '') + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1) + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1) + '" class="k-textbox" value="' + secondsecondsplit[0].trim() + '"></input>' +
// '<input name="' + secondsecondsplit[1].replace(/ /g, '') + '" class="derivedTextBoxWidth"' + ' value="' + secondsecondsplit[1] + '"></input>' + +'</div > ').appendTo(container);
function chooseEditor(container, options) {
//var editvalue = options.field == "ID" ? options.field : options.model['topic1_QType'];//.trim();var editvalue = options.field == "ID" ? options.field : options.model[options.field + '_QType'];
console.log('editvalue: ' + editvalue);
if (editvalue != '') {
if (editvalue == "DropdownList") {
categoryDropDownEditor(container, options);
else if (editvalue == "Numerator_Denominator") {
categoryDerivedEditor(container, options);
else if (editvalue == "Not Applicable") {
categoryNotApplicableEditor(container, options);
else if (editvalue == "text") {
// categoryDropDownEditor(container, options); }
function OnEdit(e) {
function doIt() {
alert('if entered');
$(document).ready(function () {
function LoadGrid() {
//alert('did it 2');var data = null;
var varProgramId = "";
//varProgramId = 2;if (varProgramId === "")
varProgramId = 1 data = { year: 2020, quarter: 2, programId: Number(varProgramId) };
url: 'http://localhost:9001/QuarterlyScores/KendoUIGridAPI',
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: JSON.stringify(data),
success: function (result) {
// action to do after form submit $("#dynamickendoGrid").html('');
console.log("successfull call from LoadGrid() for : " + JSON.stringify(data));
console.log("successfull call - generateGrid");
error: function () {
alert("Error while inserting data");
$("#btnViewData").click(function () {
function generateGrid(response) {
var model = generateModel(response);
var columns = generateColumns(response);
var i = 1;
var grid = $("#dynamickendoGrid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: function (options) {
update: function (options) {
//e.sender.dataSource.read();var scoreidarray = {}
//display the key and value pair// alert(k + ' is ' + v);// type: "POST"var myObjectUpdate = [];
$.each(options.data, function (k, v) {
//console.log(k + ' is ' + v);if (k.toLowerCase().indexOf("_score_id") > 0) {
var obj = {
'qId': options.data['qid'][0],
'year': '2020',
'quarter': '2',
'topicanswer': options.data[k.split('topic')[0]]
var searchResults;
url: "http://localhost:9001/QuarterlyScores/PersistQuarterlyScore",
type: "POST",
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify(myObjectUpdate)
success: function (result) {
//searchResults = result;// generateGrid(JSON.parse(result)); $("#dynamickendoGrid").html('');
//console.log("successfull call from LoadGrid() for : " + JSON.stringify(result)); generateGrid(JSON.parse(result));
console.log("successfull call - generateGrid - Update");
error: function () {
// options.success();
pageSize: 10,
schema: {
model: model
columns: columns,
pageable: true,
editable: "inline",
edit: OnEdit,
sortable: true,
filterable: true,
columnMenu: true,
toolbar: kendo.template($("#template").html()),
function generateColumnsAll(response) {
var columnNames = response["columns"];
return columnNames.map(function (name) {
return { field: name };
function generateModel(response) {
var sampleDataItem = response["data"][0];
var model = {};
model.id = "ID";
var fields = {};
for (var property in sampleDataItem) {
//if (property.indexOf("ID") !== -1) {// model["id"] = property;//}var propType = typeof sampleDataItem[property];
if (propType === "number") {
fields[property] = {
type: "number",
validation: {
required: true }
if (model.id === property) {
fields[property].editable = false;
fields[property].validation.required = false;
} else if (propType === "boolean") {
fields[property] = {
type: "boolean" };
} else if (propType === "string") {
fields[property] = {
validation: {
required: true }
} else {
fields[property] = {
validation: {
required: true }
model.fields = fields;
return model;
function generateColumns(response) {
var columnNames = response["columns"];
var columsList = generateColumnslist(response["columns"]);
columsList.push({ command: ["edit", "destroy"], title: " ", width: "100px" });
return columsList;
function generateColumnslist(response) {
var columnNames = response;
return columnNames.map(function (name) {
if (name == "qId" || name == "question" || name == "ID") {
return {
field: name, title: GetColumnTitle(name), width: GetColumnWidth(name), editor: NotEditableFields
else if (name.toLowerCase().indexOf("_qtype") > 0 || name.toLowerCase().indexOf("_mapping") > 0) {//topic1_Mappingreturn {
field: name, title: GetColumnTitle(name), width: GetColumnWidth(name), hidden: true };
else if (name.toLowerCase().indexOf("_id") > 0) {
return {
field: name, title: GetColumnTitle(name), width: GetColumnWidth(name), hidden: true };
else {
return {
field: name, title: GetColumnTitle(name), width: GetColumnWidth(name), editor: chooseEditor
Database script
create PROC dbo.kendoGridIssue ASIF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempCommonData') IS NOT NULLBEGIN DROP TABLE #tempCommonData ENDcreate table #tempCommonData ( id int identity(1,1), qId varchar(50) null, question varchar(50) null, topic1 varchar(50) null, topic1_QType varchar(30) null, topic1_Mapping varchar(200) null, topic2 varchar(50) null, topic2_QType varchar(30) null, topic2_Mapping varchar(200) null, ) INSERT INTO #tempCommonData(qId,question,topic1,topic1_QType,topic1_Mapping,topic2,topic2_QType,topic2_Mapping)select 'Q1' qId,'question content - #1' question, '1.00' topic1, 'DropdownList'topic1_QType, 'If OptionA 1.00, 1 | If OptionB 2.00, 2 | If OptionC 3.00, 3 ' topic1_Mapping ,'2.00' topic2 ,'DropdownList' topic2_QType, 'If OptionA 1.00, 1 | If OptionB 2.00, 2 | If OptionC 3.00, 3 ' topic2_Mapping union allselect 'Q3' qId,'question content - #2' question, '2.00' topic1, 'DropdownList'topic1_QType, 'If OptionA 1.00, 1 | If OptionB 2.00, 2 | If OptionC 3.00, 3 ' topic1_Mapping ,'3.00' topic2 ,'DropdownList' topic2_QType, 'If OptionA 1.00, 1 | If OptionB 2.00, 2 | If OptionC 3.00, 3 ' topic2_Mapping union allselect 'Q3' qId,'question content - #3' question, '1' topic1, 'Numerator_Denominator'topic1_QType, 'Numerator,Denominator | 1,2 ' topic1_Mapping ,'1' topic2 ,'Numerator_Denominator' topic2_QType, 'Numerator,Denominator | 4,3 ' topic2_Mapping union allselect 'Q4' qId,'question content - #4' question, 'NA' topic1, 'Not Applicable'topic1_QType, null topic1_Mapping ,'NA' topic2, 'Not Applicable'topic2_QType, null topic1_Mapping union allselect 'Q5' qId,'question content - #5' question,'1.00' topic1, 'DropdownList'topic1_QType, 'If OptionA 1.00, 1 | If OptionB 2.00, 2 | If OptionC 3.00, 3'topic1_Mapping,'NA'topic2,'Not Applicable'topic2_QType, null topic1_Mapping union allselect 'Q6' qId,'question content - #6' question, 'NA' topic1, 'Not Applicable'topic1_QType, null topic1_Mapping ,'2' topic2 ,'Numerator_Denominator' topic2_QType, 'Numerator,Denominator | 10, 5 ' topic2_Mapping SELECT * FROM #tempCommonData