The Kendo DatePicker has a bug it seems when you place it in a popup editor.
This widget does not bind to a DateTime model property when you place it in a popup editor.
In the attached sample project I changed the culture in the web.config to 'auto' which on my workstation is set to 'en-AU.'
In this sample the 'PostedOn' property is a nullable DateTime though it makes no difference to this bug.
Adding ParseFormats strings makes no difference either.
This project is a modified sample that you have provided previously (see URL:
As you can see from the attached screenshot kendo datepicker reports on erroneous date even though it is a valid date.
Outside the popup editor, this same datepicker works perfectly good.
Any workaround?
This widget does not bind to a DateTime model property when you place it in a popup editor.
In the attached sample project I changed the culture in the web.config to 'auto' which on my workstation is set to 'en-AU.'
In this sample the 'PostedOn' property is a nullable DateTime though it makes no difference to this bug.
Adding ParseFormats strings makes no difference either.
This project is a modified sample that you have provided previously (see URL:
As you can see from the attached screenshot kendo datepicker reports on erroneous date even though it is a valid date.
Outside the popup editor, this same datepicker works perfectly good.
Any workaround?