I have a kendo combobox to determine what data is being called in the sql backend. The rows from the sql table are added to a table element below the combobox and one of those elements is a button that saves the data when edited. For some reason when i change to another client at times it will call the button event to save an item in the table but apply it to the next combobox value and leads to data being copied from one client to the other. Not sure how to being fixing this issue but I have isolated it to the change event via loggers.
here is some code :
<form id="form1" runat="server" autocomplete="none"> <div id ="lineitemeditdiv" runat="server" style="padding:1%;"> Companies : <select id="clientbillingcompanies" runat="server"></select><br/> <script> window.onload = function() { //$('#clientbillingcompanies').chosen({change: onChangeKB}); $('#clientbillingcompanies').kendoComboBox(); $("#clientbillingcompanies").parent().css('width',"50%"); $("#clientbillingcompanies").data('kendoComboBox').input.attr('autocomplete','off'); $("#clientbillingcompanies").data('kendoComboBox').bind("change", onChangeKB) }; </script> <table id="lineitemtable" runat="server" > </table> <br /> <button id="submitlineitem" >Add</button> </div> </form>