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Kendo bundling broken by new System.Web.Optimization 1.1.0

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Alex asked on 02 Jul 2013, 07:31 AM
I recently updated several nuget packages in my MVC4 solution. After the update none of the kendo styles or js files were being found. I narrowed it down to the bundling, and identified it was an update to "Microsoft ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework" 1.1.0

The release notes ( has a section at the bottom that explains why.

I thought of 3 potential solutions:
  1. Change the IgnoreList to be applied to the new directory filters instead (I didn't try this one)
  2. Include the kendo css and js files without using wildcards (tried this one and it works)
  3. Include the non-minified versions of the files, taken from the 'src' folder, in my solution (tried this one and it works)

I've ended up using option 3 as it seems to work best with the intention of how the MV4C bundling should work (non-minified used in debug so can debug into kendo code, and then minified version used in release).

I'm mainly posting to help anyone else who hits this problem, but if anyone has any suggestion why option 3 is not a good option I'd like to hear.

Also Kendo should probably update the documentation as the current IgnoreList approach no longer works.

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

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