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JustMock Forum
2 answers

I have yet to be able to run my unit tests within my pipeline.

I have installed Telerik JustMock Tests v.2 and I have configured the  profiler paths as described (those paths have been verified to contain the dlls)


pathTo64BitJustMockProfiler: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Solution Items/External assemblies/Telerik.JustMock/64/Telerik.CodeWeaver.Profiler.dll'

pathTo32BitJustMockProfiler: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Solution Items/External assemblies/Telerik.JustMock/32/Telerik.CodeWeaver.Profiler.dll'


Yet when I run my tests I get this error: Telerik.JustMock.Core.ElevatedMockingException: Cannot mock '...'. The profiler must be enabled to mock, arrange or execute the specified target.


On our old build server the same dlls are working fine but not in Azure. Is there a way to get this working?

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 answered on 27 Sep 2019
1 answer

I am having a lot of trouble understanding the behaviour of static mocking. I have a static class with two static functions, each of which returns a string, I have a test class whose constructor calls both functions on the static class, and I have a set of tests that arrange only one of the static functions, and which call SetupStatic in various ways. The results are as follows:

1. SetupStatic is not called at all: the arranged function uses the mock arrangement and gets the arranged return value, the other function calls the original - as expected;

2. SetupStatic(MyType, Behavior.Strict) is called: the arranged function uses the mock arrangement and gets the arranged return value, the other function throws a "Called unarranged member on strict mock" exception - as expected;

3. SetupStatic(MyType) is called (ie. default Behavior): the arranged function uses the mock arrangement and gets the arranged return value, the other function does not call the original and gets an empty string as the return value - unexpected;

4. SetupStatic(MyType, Behaviour.Loose) is called: the arranged function uses the mock arrangement and gets the arranged return value, the other function does not call the original and gets null as the return value - doubly unexpected as the documented default value of Behavior is Loose;

5. SetupStatic(MyType, Behaviour.RecursiveLoose) is called: the arranged function uses the mock arrangement and gets the arranged return value, the other function does not call the original and gets an empty string as the return value - unexpected;

6. SetupStatic(MyType, Behavior.CallOriginal) is called: the arranged function uses the mock arrangement and gets the arranged return value, the other function calls the original - I'm not sure what I would expect for this;

I am using JustMock version R2 2019 SP1.

I would be grateful if someone could tell me if this is working correctly, and what the logic is behind this behaviour.


Telerik team
 answered on 26 Aug 2019
1 answer

I'm running into a situation where I need to enable the profiler however I do NOT have the ability to just open visual studio and click on a profiler choice, as I'm trying to get things to build on a headless build slave which runs as "nt authority\system."

This slave also had some churn on it in terms of having to reinstall visual studio 2015 enterprise (after installing JustMock)?

Currently I'm running Visual Studio 2015 update 3 

Just Mock is version 2015.2.715.1

I also have a diagnostic script to see if the various environment variables are properly set based off some other searches:
write-host "COR_PROFILER: $($env:COR_PROFILER)"
When I run this on my build slave it presents me with:
COR_PROFILER: {B7ABE522-A68F-44F2-925B-81E7488E9EC0}
nt authority\system

Telerik team
 answered on 20 Aug 2019
9 answers

I've recently upgraded to VS2019 and JustMock 2019.508.1 (we have a DevCraft license), and tests requiring elevated mode are no longer functioning. We receive the following error when only linking the VS 2019 Profiler with JustMock:

Telerik.JustMock.Core.ElevatedMockingException: Telerik.JustMock.Core.ElevatedMockingException: Cannot mock 'EL.BusinessLayer.LegacyTaskCloseRequestEntity PostRentScheduleEntitiesToLegacy(EL.BusinessLayer.LegacyTaskCloseRequestEntity, System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[System.String])'. The profiler must be enabled to mock, arrange or execute the specified target.
Detected active third-party profilers:
* {9317ae81-bcd8-47b7-aaa1-a28062e41c71} (from process environment)
Disable the profilers or link them from the JustMock configuration utility. Restart the test runner and, if necessary, Visual Studio after linking..

That guid refers to the VS Code Coverage profiler, which does appear in the Telerik JustMock Configuration profiler list. However, when I select that profiler then the tests will no longer even start - the progress bar will display its green runner going from left to right, but none of the tests will ever start spinning and after a minute or two the progress bar just stops without displaying any errors or messages.

We had also started .NET Core development in VS2017, and had found that we needed to add dotnet.exe to the Codeweaver ImageBlacklist.cfg file. The behavior we are seeing with tests not ever starting to run reminds me of that behavior with dotnet.exe, and I'm wondering if there is a new VS2019 executable for testing that needs to be added to that blacklist file?

Telerik team
 answered on 20 Aug 2019
2 answers

I have a problem when trying to use a DoInstead of a method that returns an enum value.

The mocked function is indeed called as expected. However, the return value (an enum) is not returned correctly. Instead it always returns the first value of the enum.

Using Progress Telerik.JustMock 2019.2.620.1 (with license).

Here is a way to reproduce it (Console application, VS2017, Link to Telerik.JustMock dll):


namespace TelerikJustMockBug
    using System;
    using Telerik.JustMock;
    class Program
        delegate CompletionCode MockedReadWriteDelegate(byte[] buffer, int count, out int retCount);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            new Program().Run();
        private void Run()
            ClassToMock session = Mock.Create<ClassToMock>();
            Mock.Arrange(() => new ClassToMock()).Returns(session);
            Mock.Arrange(() => session.Read(Arg.IsAny<byte[]>(), Arg.AnyInt, out Arg.Ref(Arg.AnyInt).Value)).DoInstead(new MockedReadWriteDelegate(this.MockedRead));
            ClassToMock c = new ClassToMock();
            CompletionCode result = c.Read(new byte[2], 2, out int retCount);
            if (retCount != 5)
                throw new Exception("retCount was not set correctly");
            if (result != CompletionCode.NOT_SUCCESS)
                // this exception is thrown in my case with 'Wrong result: 0'
                throw new Exception($"Wrong result: {result.ToString()}");
        private CompletionCode MockedRead(byte[] buffer, int count, out int retCount)
            retCount = 5;
            return CompletionCode.NOT_SUCCESS;
        public enum CompletionCode
            SUCCESS = 1,
            NOT_SUCCESS = 2
        public class ClassToMock
            public CompletionCode Read(byte[] buffer, int count, out int retCount)
                throw new Exception("Real implementation - should never be called due to mocking");
Telerik team
 answered on 08 Aug 2019
4 answers

Hi guys,

I need to test the handler of a Timer in one class. I'm using Future Mocking to mock the Timer inside it.
Is there some way in order to invoke the callback?

Here my class to test:


internal class DatabaseCleaner
      private Timer mobjTimer = null;
      internal void Start()
            mobjTimer = new Timer(CleanDB, null, 5000, 1000 * 60 * 10);
      internal void Stop()
         if (mobjTimer != null)
            mobjTimer = null;
      private void CleanDB(object state)

       // do stuff to test


Thanks a lot.


Telerik team
 answered on 25 Jun 2019
3 answers



I'd like to test the implementation of the my abstract class, but I'm not able to intercept the constructor of the base class.

Here the snippet code:


public abstract class Base
    public virtual void Start(IContext context)
         \\ do something
public class Child : Base
    public override void Start(IContext context)
         \\ do something


I'd like to test it like this:

private Base mBase;
private Child mPlugin;
public void Initialize()
   mBase = Mock.Create<Base>(Constructor.Mocked);
   mPlugin = new Child();
public void TestStart()
    IContext mockContext = Mock.Create<IContext>();
    Mock.Arrange(() => mBase.Start(mockContext)).DoNothing();
    // test plugin code


What is wrong?





Telerik team
 answered on 10 Jun 2019
2 answers
Instance creation timed out and aborted 
Lyubomir Rusev
Telerik team
 answered on 28 May 2019
1 answer

I am trying out JustMock, so maybe I have made some beginners mistake. But I cannot get tests to run with coverage.

I am using: VS2019 16.0.4, Just Mock 2019.2.508.1 (in Trial mode), ReSharper / DotCover 2019.1.1. JustMock has been linked to both DotCover and VS2019 Code Coverage.

I normally run with the ReSharper test runner and use DotCover for coverage. That works OK for JustMock with the profiler disabled with or without coverage or with the profiler enabled but then only without code coverage.

DotCover "Cover all tests" hangs after the build with all unit tests shown as pending. VS GUI is responsive, about 5% CPU load, but nothing is happening.

I also tested the built in VS test runner and coverage measurement. Same picture test runs OK as long as you do not ask for coverage. Use "Analyze code coverage > All tests" in VS gives the same behavior as with the ReSharper / DotCover. 

Any suggestions?


Telerik team
 answered on 21 May 2019
3 answers


I try to fake the getitems method on a list i the sharepoint clientcontext. For some reason its always returning no elements. Can someone put me in the right direction?

ClientContext context = Isolate.Fake.NextInstance<ClientContext>();
            List list = Isolate.Fake.Instance<List>();
            ListItem fakeListItem = Isolate.Fake.Instance<ListItem>();
            List<ListItem> listItems = new List<ListItem> { fakeListItem, fakeListItem, fakeListItem };
            Isolate.WhenCalled(() => list.GetItems(null)).WillReturnCollectionValuesOf(listItems);
            Isolate.WhenCalled(() => context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(string.Empty)).WillReturn(list);
            Isolate.WhenCalled(() => context.Load(list)).IgnoreCall();
            Isolate.WhenCalled(() => context.ExecuteQuery()).IgnoreCall();
            // Act
            var cut = new ClassUnderTest();
            int itemsCount = cut.GetListItemsCount(string.Empty, string.Empty);


Here itemsCount returns always 0 elements. Am I using a wrong context/instance?


GetListItemsCount is doing the following

using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl))
                    List theList = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
                    CamlQuery q = CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery();
                    var items = theList.GetItems(q);
                    return items.Count;


Nothing special so far.


Telerik team
 answered on 15 May 2019
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