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JQuery version still 1.12.4

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Stuart asked on 27 Aug 2019, 11:37 AM

I had a subcription 5 years ago and have decided to renew my subscription to get the latest version of Kendo for MVC. Our code uses bootstrap as well as Kendo, with JQuery. I was expecting to be able to upgrade all of these to their latest versions. However, I notice that the JQuery file used by Kendo is still 1.12.4, but Visual Studio is referenceing 3.4.1 by default. 

Is it possible to ditch 1.12.4 and kendo work with 3.4.1?


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Telerik team
answered on 29 Aug 2019, 11:28 AM
Hello Stuard,

Kendo UI for jQuery is tested and compatible with latest jQuery version. Here is the issue that has been closed regarding this:

The jQuery support article soon will be updated shortly.

We are currently not aware of any compatibility problems so far so in case you are experiencing issues please write back to us with the reproduction details so we could be able to research them on our side.

Therefore, you could simply remove the 1.12.4 reference and include the 3.4.1 version.

Hope this helps and lease contact us back in case of further questions.

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