I'm trying to animate the kendo window, however nothing is happening. The window opens without any animation. Am I missing something in the code?
In the DOM i can see that the window was successfully initialized and the windows options has the enable animation section:
I'm trying to animate the kendo window, however nothing is happening. The window opens without any animation. Am I missing something in the code?
Heres the script for opening the dialog:@(Html.Kendo().Window() .Name("createProjectDialog") .Animation(c => c.Open(builder => builder.Zoom(ZoomDirection.In).Duration(AnimationDuration.Slow)) .Close(builder => builder.Zoom(ZoomDirection.Out).Duration(AnimationDuration.Slow) ).Enable(true)) .Title("Create New Project") .LoadContentFrom("Create", "Projects") .Modal(true) .Draggable(true) .Width(650) .Visible(false))
$("#newProjectbtn").bind("click", function () { $("#createProjectDialog").data().kendoWindow.open(); });
In the DOM i can see that the window was successfully initialized and the windows options has the enable animation section: