Hi Team,
I have a custom add new row button on each row, which adds a new row adjacent to the current row which works fine with the below js code:
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
customRowDataItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));
currentCommissionMemoId = customRowDataItem.uidCommissionMeemoBusiness;
var idx = grid.dataSource.indexOf(customRowDataItem);
var newItem = grid.dataSource.insert(idx, {});
var newRow = grid.items().filter("[data-uid='" + newItem.uid + "']");
The issue is, I am trying to do the same after grouping the grid data using the drag and drop grouping option. The add new row acts weird after grouping,
1. New row is not added adjacent to the current row
2. When trying to add a new row in a different page (grid is pageable), does not add a new row at all.
My primary intention is to add a new row inside the group after grouping the kendo grid data, is this possible?
Thank you in advance,