While using the kendo grid to transform an existing table the rendering and functionality was not working if I had a data-field name with a dash. Underscores don't seem to cause an issue only a dash.
<th data-field="rendering_engine">Rendering engine</th>
<th data-field="rendering-engine">Rendering engine</th>
7 Answers, 1 is accepted
The dash is not a valid JavaScript identifier. Due to this limitation, you should consider the idea of not using dashes in the data-field name.
Kind regards,
Iliana Nikolova
the Telerik team
), or a dollar sign ( $
).Identifiers cannot begin with a space. This is obvious enough since the name doesn't start until the spaces end, but the other characters not allowed may need a little explanation. You don't want to use special characters that are operators, such as +
or -
since JavaScript will to apply the operation to the identifier. That makes sense. Numbers also cannot be used because JavaScript assumes that anything that starts with a number is a number, a numeric literal. More on that later.
), or a dollar sign ( $
).Once you have established that the identifier is an indentifier, you can use numbers within the name.
I have the same issue. As the column name is coming from a back end system written in Progress ABL, and has existed for decades then the names will contain hyphens (Dashes).
I think I could change them post serialization to underscores, use them in the Kendo grid and then revert them before posting to back end system, but that sounds both hard and risky.
Is there no way to configure Kendo Grid column names to have hyphens?
The error thrown in debug is:
function anonymous(d) {
d contains a CONTACT-DETAILS field.
The rest of the JS and JQuery in application has to refer to field as
d["CONTACT-DETAILS"] . As per http://www.craiglotter.co.za/2010/08/12/accessing-values-in-javascript-json-objects-with-keys-containing-hyphens-dashes/ Can I change Kendo to do same?
Please take a look at this basic example which demonstrates how to use dashes in the fields names.
Iliana Nikolova
Hi Illiana.
I use fields with dash in the names.
When enabling groupable in your basic example, and try to group by First Name column, the group name is wrong rendered as ['first-name'] instead of the column title.
Can you check this out?
You could try setting a dataSource model definition and a "from" configuration which will create a mapping between a dashed and non-dashed field name (dojo).
Keep in mind that using dashes in field names is not officially supported and it is recommended to avoid it. If possible, replace the dashes with underscore.
Iliana Nikolova
Telerik by Progress
Thank´s Iliana,
Liked the "from"configuration. I will try it.
Replace dashes at the moment is not possible...
I managed do make it work, by using the change event on datasource, and updating the groups field´s with the correct name:
(event) {
ds = event.sender;
groups = jQuery.extend(
change =
i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
field = groups[i].field;
) >= 0) {
groups[i].field = field.replace(/
'/g, '