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Issue / Bug(?) when starting the DataSource in offline mode

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Data Source
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Christian asked on 18 May 2015, 10:39 PM


I'm working with the SchedulerDataSource within an Android Cordova project and I'm using the offline capabilities of the SchedulerDataSource keep the data in the LocalStorage when the device goes offline. As long as the App is running going on- and offline works as expected, but when I start the App offline (i.e. without network connection) the data within the LocalStorage gets corrupted and is pretty useless afterwards. As far as I could find out the issue is connected to the schema configuration of the datasource. When I use field mappings (the from option) in the model of the schema configuration all mapped field values are set to null upon an 'offline' startup.

The problem is not related to Android as I can also reproduce it in a Windows environment. In addition the standard DataSource component shows the same behaviour.

Here's a modified sample from the demos to illustrate the effect (see comment in code to simulate offline startup):


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Kendo UI Snippet</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="example">
        <div id="team-schedule">
            <label>Online: </label><input id="online" type="checkbox" checked>
        <div id="scheduler"></div>
      $(function() {
      var ds = new{
            offlineStorage: "hs-scheduler-offlinetest",
            batch: true,
            transport: {
              read: {
                url: "",
                dataType: "jsonp"
              update: {
                url: "",
                dataType: "jsonp"
              create: {
                url: "",
                dataType: "jsonp"
              destroy: {
                url: "",
                dataType: "jsonp"
              parameterMap: function(options, operation) {
                if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {
                  return {models: kendo.stringify(options.models)};
            schema: {
              model: {
                id: "taskId",
                fields: {
                  taskId: { from: "TaskID", type: "number" },
                  title: { from: "Title", defaultValue: "No title", validation: { required: true } },
                  start: { type: "date", from: "Start" },
                  end: { type: "date", from: "End" },
                  startTimezone: { from: "StartTimezone" },
                  endTimezone: { from: "EndTimezone" },
                  description: { from: "Description" },
                  recurrenceId: { from: "RecurrenceID" },
                  recurrenceRule: { from: "RecurrenceRule" },
                  recurrenceException: { from: "RecurrenceException" },
                  ownerId: { from: "OwnerID", defaultValue: 1 },
                  isAllDay: { type: "boolean", from: "IsAllDay" }
            filter: {
              logic: "or",
              filters: [
                { field: "ownerId", operator: "eq", value: 1 },
                { field: "ownerId", operator: "eq", value: 2 }
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // --- uncomment line below to simulate an offline start upon page reload ---
          date: new Date("2013/6/13"),
          startTime: new Date("2013/6/13 07:00 AM"),
          height: 600,
          views: [
            { type: "workWeek", selected: true },
          timezone: "Etc/UTC",
          dataSource: ds,
          resources: [
              field: "ownerId",
              title: "Owner",
              dataSource: [
                { text: "Alex", value: 1, color: "#f8a398" },
                { text: "Bob", value: 2, color: "#51a0ed" },
                { text: "Charlie", value: 3, color: "#56ca85" }
        $("#online").on("change", function() {
            alert("Online: " + this.checked);


Any help or hint how to get around this is highly appreciated.

Thank's in advance.


Kind regards,



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Telerik team
answered on 21 May 2015, 07:35 AM

Hello Christian,

Thanks for the report and the sample. We were able to observe the issue locally and to address it. The fix will be available in the next internal build. Meanwhile, as a temporary workaround, you could use a custom offline storage, where to call DataSource reader serialize method when saving the data, similar to the following:

var key = "hs-scheduler-offlinetest";
var ds = new{
  offlineStorage:  {
    getItem: function() {
      return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key));
    setItem: function(item) {             
      localStorage.setItem(key, kendo.stringify(ds.reader.serialize(item)));

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answered on 16 Aug 2015, 03:50 AM
I am having similar issues.  Was this ever resolved?  It appears that when working offline on an empty datasource the first records is corrupt with null values.
Telerik team
answered on 17 Aug 2015, 11:19 AM

Hello Patrick,

Indeed, the issue discussed here has been already resolved. You can check this by yourself with an updated version of the initial test case.

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answered on 19 Aug 2015, 12:07 AM
I am still having the issue but I am not using a scheduler data source.  I am able to clean up the data by using a custom offline object which lets me create/read/update/delete offline but when I go online to sync it does not work.  I don't have visibility into the sync code to determine why it is not working.  I post more details on my question in a separate forum thread but i have not had any responses.  I may try to set up a dojo using teleriks dbs to reproduce.
Telerik team
answered on 20 Aug 2015, 08:00 AM

Hello Patrick,

My colleague already provide you with an answer in the forum post you have opened. If you have additional comments please continue the discussion there.

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