I'm using kendo charts,date pickers and grid using angular js in my project.to get the grid details instead of using jquery im assigning name to grid like below.
<div class="kendo-grid-wrap" kendo-grid="produtionSchedule" k-options="produtionSchedule"></div>
Using grid name accessing all the properties and methods of kendo grid
var dataSource = $scope.produtionSchedule.dataSource.data;
For grid im able to assign name accessing properties and methods,how can i do same thing for kendo charts and date pickers and ,if i try to assign name to chart or date picker control it self not loading.
Here is the code that i tried with kendo chart :
<div ng-show="utilisation.utilisationList.length != 0" kendo-chart
k-series-defaults="{ type: 'pie',labels: {visible: true,background: 'transparent',template:'#= category #:
#= value#%',format:'{0:P}%'}}"
k-tooltip="{visible: true,format:'{0}',template:'#= category #: #= dataItem.time# hr'}"
k-series="[{field: 'value', categoryField: 'category',explodeField:'explode'}]"
is there any solution to solve this issue..?
I'm using kendo charts,date pickers and grid using angular js in my project.to get the grid details instead of using jquery im assigning name to grid like below.
<div class="kendo-grid-wrap" kendo-grid="produtionSchedule" k-options="produtionSchedule"></div>
Using grid name accessing all the properties and methods of kendo grid
var dataSource = $scope.produtionSchedule.dataSource.data;
For grid im able to assign name accessing properties and methods,how can i do same thing for kendo charts and date pickers and ,if i try to assign name to chart or date picker control it self not loading.
Here is the code that i tried with kendo chart :
<div ng-show="utilisation.utilisationList.length != 0" kendo-chart
k-series-defaults="{ type: 'pie',labels: {visible: true,background: 'transparent',template:'#= category #:
#= value#%',format:'{0:P}%'}}"
k-tooltip="{visible: true,format:'{0}',template:'#= category #: #= dataItem.time# hr'}"
k-series="[{field: 'value', categoryField: 'category',explodeField:'explode'}]"
is there any solution to solve this issue..?