14 Answers, 1 is accepted
First of all, we apologize for the late reply. We are using an Anti-spam protection service, which sometimea catch some real content as spam. Could you please tell us what content did you try to add, so we can further investigate the problem.

Tickets: 705810, and 704706 both have their initial content, what I was trying to POST.
Is it an aggressive obscenity checker? I probably use too big words. :-(

See the unformatted code at: http://www.kendoui.com/forums/framework/mvvm/mvvm-attribute-binding-progress-element.aspx#boEmHa6aG2OF1P8AAFTdxQ

We really apologize for the caused inconvenience! This is a known issue and we are working on fixing it. We will try to do it as soon as possible!

We are constantly working on improving our SPAM protection service. Unfortunately, the matter is very specific and it takes time to achieve zero rate false positives.
Please excuse us for the huge inconvenience this is causing to you. If there is anything else we can do for you - do not hesitate to contact us again.

I did not know that the "invalid post content" is a consequence of anti-spam actions. Here is what I see..
I write a forum post. There are several paragraphs, maybe a bulleted list, maybe some link. When posting, the "invalid post content" message is shown. Then I remove all formatting (remove paragraphs, remove bullets, remove links) and post again, so only a single long line of characters is sent. Then the post is valid and accepted by the forum software.
Michael G. Schneider
Yes, most of the time a valid workaround is to remove any html from your post and it usually works (with some minor exceptions). Unfortunately, this is often not very useful when our customers want to send code blocks, for example. That's why we are working on better SPAM recognition rate.

thanks a lot for the answer. Something, which I do not understand at all, is the following...
There are two posts. Both are 100% identical regarding the visible characters. The only difference is that one post has a couple of html markup inside. Then why is one post accepted, and the other one is rejected? Why is this a consequence of anti-spam actions?
Doesn't anti-spam look at the text and then decide whether it is Kendo-related or not? Isn't markup such as p, ul, li, br, ... removed in the first place and then the resulting text analyzed?
Michael G. Schneider
Many spam comments use code in their comments, mostly links, but not only. That's why some anti-spam services are more suspicious towards such comments, as opposed to ones with only plain text.
Again, we are very sorry for the inconvenience, we are working on resolving the issue.

We are aware that our forum spam protection service is causing such problems occasionally and we are really trying to improve it so that our clients can easily communicate. For the service it is not so easy to differentiate a Spam message from a real customer comment, so please accept our apologies. Hope will solve this soon.
Ralitsa Peneva